Chapter 31: Jimin

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My senses come back slowly as I wake. The back of my head throbs painfully as I try to sit up. I don't recognize the cabin I was in. This isn't even a cabin. The graying walls suggest I'm away from the third class cabins, and the suitcases that are stacked neatly in nets suggest I must be in the cargo hold.

But why would I be in a cargo hold? Did Yoongi leave me here?

He does know your secret, after all.

I hate how my mind chimes in at the most useless times.

I prepare to stand when I realize my hands are tied with frayed rope. My legs are pressed together as well. I look like a seal caught in a fishing net.

"Don't struggle, love, I promise it'll be over soon." The voice is low, speaking at my feet. I have to crane my neck to find who is with me. Then when I see him, I want to run.

Victor stalks forward. He's still as tall and gruff as the night I first met him. Anyone in my shoes would have fallen for him, straight or not. He had this way of making you forget your troubles, your worst fears. Even when he asked for nights with just me, it was nothing sexual. Nothing at first.

"Stop fighting, Jiminie," Victor kneels down next to me. He doesn't have anything for a weapon, but that doesn't mean he needs one either. He lifts a tuft of my hair away from my eyes. A gesture he did so long ago that would once make my heart flutter.

Now I shrivel in fear.

"Calm down, now," he says softly. "I won't bite."

"How did you find me?" I say, my voice thick from hiding the tears that threaten to fall.

Victor shrugs. "It was quite easy. Finding Taehyung was much easier than looking for you. Then once I knew you bought tickets aboard the Titanic,  it was a sign that you and I were destined for each other." He reaches behind me and lifts me up where I'm sitting right in front of him. "You bought a ticket that led right to me."

"I bought myself a stalker," I spat. "Is that why you spiked my drink? To frame Yoongi so I wouldn't suspect you?"

Victor's dark eyes bore into mine. I cannot remember what I saw in them that allowed me to confide in him, and what led me to believe he was sane. There was a night that he broke into the basement after hours looking for me. Of course, I considered it flattering that he did it to make sure I was okay.

I was foolish for thinking such things were acceptable.

He cocks his head and sighs. "I hate it when you overthink like that. I don't know who this 'Yoongi' is, but I assure you that I never drugged you. I found you lying on the floor in front of your cabin. There was nobody else there, so I carried you here."

"And the rope was just an added bonus?"

Victor rolls his eyes. "I was hoping for some memories tonight, Jiminie." He then raises my hands above my head and holds my wrists with one hand as he straddles over me. "Our secret love is special. I have never felt this way about anyone before," he leans down and kisses my cheek. "Let me prove it to you."

I scream. I feel his hands rush to unbutton my shirt and undo my pants. It's pointless to fight back, though I do it anyway. I wiggle and flop underneath him, but I'm held in place. I'm left to do nothing but scream and watch as he undresses himself, looking at me with intense eyes that hunger for me just as much as they did then, if not more.

"Please," I beg one last time. "Please don't do this."

Victor wipes a stray tear away, something that could be sweet if it wasn't for his sharp nail grazing across my cheek. He presses another forced kiss to my lips. It flashes back memories of the two of us in a dark basement, alone and stupidly in love. Tears flow down my face.

"What do you want from me?" I whisper.

Victor grabs my arms and shakes me. "What do I want? This is what you want!"

Before I am able to say exactly what I want, Victor is quick to silence me. He grabs my length and squeezes without warning. I let out a whine and that excites him more.

He is quick to undo his pants, sliding me closer to him and lifting me up until I'm sitting on top of him. Then I see an opportunity.

I pull my arms away from his loose grip, hold them back, and swing for his face.

When Victor curls in agony, I roll as fast as I can. There's a stairway that is almost hidden by the piles of suitcases tied in nets. I keep rolling. I have to make it. I have to make it.

Then I'm yanked up. My head thrashes as I try to bite Victor's hands. I know he's struggling with me, but he doesn't show it. Victor shoves me forward until my back is against one of the nets, then loops my arms around the opening until I cannot break free.

"Jiminie, stop fighting me," Victor says. He grabs a cluster of my hair, and when I pull away, he grabs more. "Look at me for one second. I don't want to hurt you."

"Like hell you don't!"

"No, I don't. In fact, I think you want this too." Victor goes for my jaw and pinches my cheeks hard. "I think you want to know how this ends."

My mouth opens against my will, allowing him to shove two fingers inside my mouth. I cannot scream as loudly, but I bite down. Victor squeezes my jaw until my mouth is open all the way, leans back, and spits. The saliva lands in my mouth and I'm forced to swallow.

"Yeah. You like that, you little slut?" Victor purs. "Let me go further."

He pulls down my pants and wets my behind with the saliva still on his fingers. I scream. Without warning, he is already inside me. Victor groans and pushes deeper.

"So tight," Victor grits. He thrusts his hips against me, again and again.

I feel my soul leaving me. I deserve this, don't I? It wasn't like I was out of options when the landlord came to our door with an eviction notice. I could have moved to a different apartment with Taehyung, or even gotten an actual job.

It's my fault I'm in this predicament anyway. Who runs from their own business? It's obvious I would attract a stalker with the line of work I did. I guess I didn't expect it to actually happen to me.

I wish I never met Victor. I wish I never let him get away with coming after hours. I wish I never let him become a favorite customer of mine. I wish I had listened to Taehyung's warnings. Unlike me, he was smarter. He saw through Victor as if he was made of glass.

"You like that, love?" Victor growls. I cannot breathe. My face is covered in tears that flow like a waterfall. He doesn't see that, though.

Then he pauses. "What the hell?"

I look back and see water seeping around suitcases, flowing around the floor and to us. Victor leaps up. The water rises to his ankles already. The suitcases are starting to float on the water's surface.

"What's going on?" I say.

Victor scowls. "There must be a leak." I am about to ask where before my lips are pressed against his again. "You taste the same," he says affectionately, then his expression fades, "but kind of dull."

"Where are you going?" I call when his back is to me. Victor only ignores me and jogs upstairs. Then I hear the door above me slam shut, along with a click of a lock. My feet are submerged in icy cold water that isn't stopping.

"Help! Someone help!" I scream. My throat burns, and my legs are giving out. With all my strength, I pull and pull. The ropes are bound tightly. I have no idea how to untie a knot, I wasn't looking when Victor tied it. The water reminds me I'm on a timer, which speeds up my already fast heart. I cannot breathe. I cannot think. Panic is setting in.


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