Chapter 14: Taehyung

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Sitting alone in the dark really shows what type of person you are. Every intrusive thought that crosses your mind is what you really think about. Most people want to avoid this feeling of vulnerability, whether it be through getting sleep or just ignoring their thoughts.

Personally, I enjoy staying up late. The quietness leaves me in my head, where anything is possible. I drift away from reality and think of myself in any scenario like if I had the ability to fly or if I could read other people's minds.

Mom always said I had a strong imagination, and she's right. I would create stories in my head and practice in front of the bathroom mirror. I taught myself how to fake-cry, which came in handy when I used it for personal benefits.

It's different, the sea. It's quiet but loud. My thoughts come as they do, though not as loud.

I'm fidgeting with the end of a frayed rope when I hear footsteps approaching. I crouch in the darkness, hoping they will leave soon. I'm not in the mood to talk. My knees are bent to my chin as I duck my head down. I stay in this position listening, waiting. The footsteps seem to have stopped.

After thirty seconds, I raise my head. It's just a man. Under the moonlight, I recognize him clearly. The same man I saved yesterday. Jung Jungkook. He looks good dressed up in a suit and tie, very fitting for his frame.

Once I told Jimin what happened last night, he freaked out. I didn't know why at first until he explained who Jung Jungkook was. I was unfamiliar with his family's name and found it odd how a garden boy who came from nothing can look so sad when he has everything.

I crawl out of hiding, still being quiet, and walk toward him like I wasn't being a creep. "Hey," I say as casually as I can muster. The moonlight is hitting his dark hair just perfectly, shining like the rich boy he is.

Something in Jungkook's eyes changes as he says "hey" back. Not a bad change. "What are you doing here? I thought you'd be supporting your friend inside."

"Jimin? No, I didn't want to embarrass him again," I feel my cheeks getting hot even with the cold wind tousling my hair. "I feel really guilty about it."

He nods, giving a sympathetic look before returning his gaze out to the waters. I'm surprised at myself when a minute passes and neither of us has said anything. It's unusual for me to be quiet for a period of time, especially around a stranger. With Jungkook, though, it feels right.

"I didn't expect you would be out here this late," I say. I can hear my voice with authority when I reign over no one besides the dust specks back home. "I mean, I thought you would be having dinner with the Captain at this hour."

"I was."



 Of course, he would have been dining with the Captain what else would he be doing? He is wealthy after all. He probably has better stuff to do than talk with me.

"I got bored when Mr. Nam-Jung kept chatting over Captain Smith's fortune he's acquired. If it wasn't for the newbie, Namjoon, I would have run out faster. Thankfully nobody batted an eye when I excused myself."

Strange. I would have thought him being the chosen child would draw attention to his every move. It's also strange how he calls his dad "Mr. Nam-Jung". So formal you would forget they are related. 

"So, you like to draw, huh?"

Jungkook laughs like a brick hit his gut. "There's a difference between liking drawing and being good at it." He leans on the rail, crossing one foot over the other. "And what does it matter to you? My drawings are good for publicity, nothing more."

"That's not true," I protest. I distinctly remember his face when I boarded the ship. How his eyes scanned me up and down, but kept their stare on my face. I remember how he'd only look away for a second back at his paper before looking back at me. "I see the way you draw. You're focused and intense, and your art reflects that."

Jungkook raises a brow. "You've never seen my art before."

"No," I admit, "but I'd like to." I'm hoping he will keep to the agreement of showing the drawing of me when he's done. Last night he said he needed a model, which I'm happy to pose for.

Jungkook nods, considering my request when he changes the subject. "So what are you and your friend Jimin going to do in New York City?"

He says friend  hesitantly, like he's unsure what Jimin is to me. I'm curious why, or rather if, he thinks Jimin is more than that. "Jimin wants to start a singing gig, so I'm tagging along with him. I know silent movies are coming out now, and I want to test the waters with acting—hey, don't give me that look!"

Jungkook bursts out laughing. "I'm sorry! It's just that I would have expected more from you. Not to say acting isn't a good choice, but it's not exactly the most reliable job."

"What do you know?" I cross my arms. "I could be famous. You would be one of the lucky ones who already knew me before my name was in the light."

Jungkook rolls his eyes. "How lucky." He tilts his head up at the stars and I mimic him. The sky is black and shiny, twinkling stars cast above our little world. "Do you wish you could get away from everything?" he blurts.

Yes. I wish I could get away from what's happening: the trip to New York isn't all for pleasure and business purposes. I'm running away with Jimin. It wasn't my idea at the time, but ideas seem achievable when put under stress. I knew Jimin wouldn't hold up on his own, even when he continues to smile and say everything was fine.

"Yes," is all I say. He waits for me to continue. I sigh. "Sometimes I don't want to be here. The world is changing every day, and though it's for the best, it's scary. I'm losing friends as they grow up, and it feels like I'm the only one staying the same." It's not the complete truth, but it's accurate.

Jungkook presses his lips together. Is that a mole under his lip? That's cute.

"Well," he sighs, "It may be scary, but that's life: it goes on," he says gently as he catches me staring at him. He doesn't look away, only stares back before saying "I should get back to dinner."

I don't say a word as he walks past me. I'm afraid I would realize that this was all in my head, all a dream. It isn't until Jungkook waves goodbye that I wave my hand back, a smile escaping his lips.

Damn. He's cute.

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