Chapter 38: Jimin

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 At first Yoongi kept track of how many left and right turns we made. The maze below is nothing but miles of white walls and a flooded floor. The longer we ran in circles, the faster the water caught up with us. It's harder to take a step without slipping.

The tips of my fingers are a dark purple. I have to keep flexing them just to remind myself that they are still there. My muscles are tense as we travel. I do my best not to complain, but I'm turning into a human ice cube by the second.

Yoongi growls. "That's the third time we've passed that fire extinguisher." He whirls, eyes wide and scanning the all but white walls. There's nothing that gives any indication that we've already been here, or have not.

"Okay," I say with involuntary laughter. I don't mean to laugh, but it comes out in hysteria. I blame it on the water. "Let's try going this way."

He follows close behind and links hands. Ever since he rescued me from the cargo hold, he hasn't let me go three inches without reaching to check if I'm still there. I squeeze his hand to remind him I'm here.

It reminds me that I'm here, too.

The lights flicker off for a second before returning back to normal. I look back to see Yoongi frowning. We both know it. Our time is limited the longer we stay down here. I try to shake my thoughts and continue forward.

"I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough," Yoongi says, his voice gentle and quiet against the rushing water. "I could have stopped it."

My breathing stops. I'm forced back to when Victor touched me. I can hear my own screams echo in my mind. At the time, I wanted death. I had hope that someone would show up, but after living my life like this, I gave up.

How could I wish for something that never happened before? How could I wish for help when it never came when I needed it the most? In my darkest hour, I let go. I waited for the water to drown me, so that I would have a chance to die before someone found me.

"It's not the first time," I say numbly.

His expression grows dark. "But it will be the last."

"You don't know that." I've seen the desire in men's eyes. I've heard every cat call. I'm attractive, and there's nothing I can do to stop them from finding me. Victor proved that point when he knew I was boarding the Titanic. "You can't stop them, and I can't either."

Yoongi steps forward and puts his arms on my shoulders, steadying me. "We will. Even if it takes us surviving a sinking ship and we have to paddle all the way to New York." He stops and takes his hands away, like he's afraid. "No one will hurt you again."

My voice breaks. "Yoongi— you can't always protect me—Nobody can."

He pauses before sighing. "I know. It kills me that I can't. The last thing I want to do is keep you locked away for the rest of your life." Yoongi smiles sadly. "I want to see you happy, Jimin. And if that means being alone in the middle of the woods in a cottage home, then so be it."

I giggle. "A cottage home?"

Yoongi rolls his eyes. "Point is, I will do whatever it takes to get rid of those memories. After what you've been through, you deserve a break. No, you deserve everything you want."

My eyes start forming tears. I remember the dark nights I'd spend on the basement floor, curled in the corner. I remember being unable to scream. I just stayed there, petrified until I could muster up the strength to stand. I kept telling myself to just make it through the day, even when I would lie to Taehyung that I was fine.

But now I'm on my feet. Now Yoongi is here, willing to give me the world.

"I don't deserve you," I say.

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