Chapter 19: Namjoon

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There are many stories I've read, but this one sparks my interest more than any of the previous ones combined. First, Kim Seokjin is running from his Father's orders. Second, his brother stole a pair of earrings from Lady Eleanor—good riddance. Third, and the oddest part, a house cleaner, actor, performer, and Yoongi of all people have joined the runaways.

Yet I'm interrogated about why I was lurking in the shadows.

"I never meant to spy on you all," I say once more. "I swear, I was just doing some light reading before conducting another interview with a passenger that should be here any moment."

Yoongi steps forward, sighing. "Listen, everyone, Namjoon is my friend. Though he may do stupid things like jumping on ships that are moving, he would not intentionally stalk us. Besides, don't you see where we're at? A library is like cocaine to him."

"Thanks, Yoongi," I grumble.

"What does that matter?" The actor, Taehyung, says. "We need to move if that butler is still out there looking for us."

"Where can we go that would cover all six of our asses?" Jungkook barks.

"Language!" Seokjin shouts. "And there is no need to run when there is a perfectly logical explanation as to why this is happening. We'll just tell Father that you thought the earrings were someone else's and got them mixed up. Hoseok will give them back and we can all rest assured nobody will get in trouble."

Jungkook raises an eyebrow and laughs dryly. "That's funny because I remember the same person running with us. What makes you think I'm about to go back there and kiss up to Kim Nam-Jung? The earrings were a gift to Hoseok, who will do whatever he damn well pleases with them."

"Guys, please stop fighting," the performer—I think his name is Jimin—mutters. His pleads are drowned out by the arguing between Seokjin and Jungkook, both of them staring daggers at each other.

"Get your act together and do the right thing." Seokjin fumes. His ears turn as red as the fireplace in the corner. The heat was coming from his face that twisted with every second Jungkook challenged him.

"Why? So I get blamed for all this shit?" Jungkook points a finger so close he could touch Seokjin's flared nose. "You want to be so damn right, and for what? Validation from an asshole? Well, here it is: you are just like your father. Happy now?"

Seokjin starts to back up when Jungkook grabs his collar and pulls him forward. "You are both assholes that only care about yourselves and never look at the people below you." He grips Seokjin's collar tighter. "I hate being a part of your family. I'm nothing to you and that's how it always will be, so quit trying to be the good guy and stay the fuck away from me!"

Jungkook lets go of Seokjin's collar and shove him away. Seokjin stumbles backward until he finds his balance and raises a fist.

"Seokjin!" I shout, but it's too late.

Jungkook is forced against the bookshelf as Seokjin lands a punch to his face. The kid scratches at his brother, clawing at his hair and perfect face. Seokjin keeps swinging his arms. Blood sprays the covers of books, tainting the white pages.

"Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" Jimin screams.

The cabin boy, his name is stitched on his shirt as Hoseok, holds Jimin as he begins to sob, the two of them staring in horror.

Yoongi tries to step in front of the two and narrowly misses a punch from Jungkook. He dodges Seokjin's arm that ends up jabbing Jungkook in the stomach.

"Seokjin, get off him!" I shout. "He's just a kid!"

Suddenly a book goes flying.

It smacks Jungkook on the bridge of his nose.

I turn to see Taehyung shaking, his arm frozen mid-air. "Both of you are idiots!" He growled. "What will fighting solve when the damage is done? We will have to deal with your decisions and be the ones responsible for them anyway. We're not rich, we're third class. Do you want to do the right thing? REPENT TO FUCKING JESUS!"

The room goes quiet.

Only Jimin's hiccups break the silence.

I glance at Seokjin. His eyes are bloodshot and filled with water. His hands are shaking, I don't think he's noticed. Seokjin's attention is bouncing from Taehyung, then Jungkook, then to me.

Jungkook limps forward and collapses into a chair, hissing as he sits up. Compared to Seokjin, he looks worse. His lip is busted open, along with a couple of scratches that leak fresh blood. His nose is pointed at an awkward angle, definitely the worst of his injuries.

Just as Seokjin begins to walk toward Jungkook, loud footsteps echo outside.

"It's the butler!" Hoseok gasps. He turns to Taehyung, and a look of desperation crosses his face. Taehyung nods quickly then hauls Jungkook to his feet.

"What are you—"

"Shut up and move," Taehyung silences him.

Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok follow after the two. Yoongi waves me over and I nod. As soon as I start walking, I realize Seokjin is still standing by the bookshelf.

"Hey, we have to go," I say. My words disappear, none of them reaching Seokjin's attention as he zones out. "Seokjin, please, we have to get out of here before—"

The door opens and Aster Johnsson drops the cup of tea in his gloved hand.

"Mr. Seokjin! Your face!" He reaches for Seokjin but stops when Seokjin flinches. His hand was not even close enough to touch. Mr. Johnsson then sees me and I watch his face shift from shock, to sympathy, to anger.

"Did you do this?" He exclaims. "Did you touch Kim Seokjin?!"

"No! He didn't!" Seokjin shouts, his voice hoarse and scratchy. "It wasn't Namjoon!"

Mr. Johnsson squints. "Then what happened, sir?"

I wait for Seokjin to say something, anything, but he stands still. Seokjin presses his lips together and looks at me. Mr. Johnsson switches from observing Seokjin to now looking at me.

"He did this, didn't he?"

"I would never hit him!" I shout. "Seokjin and Jungkook got in a fight, right Seokjin?"

Mr. Johnsson and I are met with silence from Seokjin. He sputters, then shuts his mouth.


"Alright, I've seen enough," Mr. Johnsson grabs my arm, then drags me out the door. I could escape, his grip is not secure, but I'm frozen. Seokjin stares at me with wide eyes, completely still. I feel like I've been crushed by a house. I don't even feel Mr. Johnsson pulling me away until the door shuts in my face. 

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