Chapter 34: Yoongi

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I've been running up and down the third class hallways for half an hour, with no sign of Jimin. Dread has sunk in and panic makes my feet move faster, constantly bumping into guests as they evacuate their rooms. Most don't take the time to shout at me, their attention is focused on the water that is slowly creeping upstairs.

I close my eyes and try to take a deep breath. I have to think. Where could Jimin have gone? With the state that I left him in, he couldn't have gotten far on his own. There has to be something I'm missing. Someone must have seen him.

My head is spinning. Where the hell is he?

Before I can stop myself, I run face-first into a guest. "I'm sorry— oh, Jungkook," I say, surprised. The boy looks equally panicked, his hair a mess that sticks out from the suit he wears. His eyes don't meet mine until I speak again. "Have you seen Jimin? I can't find him anywhere and—"

"You don't have him?" Jungkook interrupts. He stares at me, and I can practically see the wheels in his head turning. There's something I don't know because he is looking at me expecting an answer that is clearly false.

"No, I left to go get help. When I returned, he was gone." I say.

Jungkook pauses, hesitates. His eyes are intensely focusing on me. There is definitely something I don't know. "Has Taehyung been here?"

"What? No, why?"

"You haven't seen him?"

"No, I thought he was with you."

This makes Jungkook go pale. As worried as I am for Taehyung being another missing person, my focus is on Jimin, who should be exhausted from fainting and hitting his head. I wince at the flashback. I shouldn't have said that I knew. I shouldn't have confronted him like I did.

"But he should have been here by now..." Jungkook mutters. "Taehyung has your notebook that we found in the dining room."


No, no, no

That's full of all my letters to Jimin. All my songs I wrote for him when I couldn't stop thinking about him. All the jots I wrote while I watched him in the darkness of the basement he worked at. It was never meant to be seen by anyone but me.

I freeze, trying to think of an explanation, when Jungkook speaks for me. "We thought you were the one that drugged Jimin," he says. "That's how you would be able to confess your feelings for him."

"What? No, I'd never do that!" I exclaim. Imagining someone deliberately drugging Jimin is bad enough, but having the blame being shifted on me is a different type of offense. Out of everyone in that dining room, I was the only one that knew something was wrong. In the end, I was right, though I wish I wasn't.

In the silence that hangs between us, we turn when officers start shouting orders on the deck above. One officer hurries downstairs to us and shouts again in a booming voice. "ALL PASSENGERS MUST REQUIRE A LIFE JACKET!"

Jungkook glances at me, frowning. "I thought Captain Smith said she was unsinkable."

"Apparently not."

We head upstairs to the deck where workers are handing out white life jackets that weigh down on my shoulders. Wearing them just makes the point even more terrifying— Titanic is sinking. With Jimin missing, I don't know how much time we have left before we are all on the ocean floor.

"Someone, please help!" a crew worker cries. "There are workers inside the engine rooms! They can't get out! And there are people down in the cargo hold!"

An officer takes the worker's side and says in a low voice, "We've been given orders to board first class passengers onto the boats. We'll get them once we're done here."

The Seven Passengers (BTSxTitanic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz