Chapter 8: Yoongi

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This is new. Being on the Titanic of course is one new thing I've done today, but it's new when I can't play because I've been distracted. 

When I'm on stage I've learned over time to tune out everyone around me and focus on my music, but tonight was chaos. The aftermath of cleaning up the ice was tedious and the guests were less than pleased by the commotion.

Jimin was still frozen in place when guests left. I was the one who gently coaxed him off stage with a cup of tea and a seat outside the dining room. The night is cold and black. If it hadn't had been for the lights, we would have been blind in the darkness.

"I'm so sorry for Taehyung, I know he never meant to cause a scene," Jimin apologizes again.

 From my understanding, Taehyung is a good friend and his roommate. I felt comforted in knowing their relationship with each other was similar to mine and Namjoon's. Everyone shares. Everyone knows something about the other.

"There's no need to apologize," I say gently. "I gather he's a really good friend of yours, huh?"

Jimin nods. "Very. He's always been there for me. I just hope trouble hasn't caught up with him just yet. I would like to stay on the Titanic as long as I can after all."

I smile. The cup in his hands resembles a toddler holding a vase. Now that we're sitting next to one another, I can see his bottom lip is more pronounced and his eyes are small and innocent on stage, but sitting here, they focus on the ground; I can practically see the gears turning in his head.

"Is there something on your mind?" I offer. He probably won't open up and start venting, I know I wouldn't dream of it, but maybe I could release some stress. I can imagine it is difficult being the lead singer and having your performance be ruined, even if that person is your best friend.

Jimin hesitates. "There's always something on my mind; I'm always thinking. But you don't want to know about all this," he makes a halo gesture around his head.

"You'd be surprised. I'm not really good with advice, I'll admit—but I'm a good listener." That part is true. I can remember plenty of times when Namjoon would come from work just needing to let off some steam. I would sit and listen for however long he needed and look at the situation from everyone's viewpoints like a murder mystery, except without the murder part.

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm fine," Jimin says convincingly. I would have bought it if my mind was reset, or if I never met him. Even if I did meet him hours before the performance, that still didn't stop the fact that we had already met, he just forgot.

"Are you and Namjoon traveling to New York for work or pleasure?"

"Well, Namjoon will be staying for a while on work-related terms. He has to do some journalism stuff and report back before some deadline. Honestly, it looks like he's being screwed over. He's worked for the company on all fours like a dog and has yet to be promoted. I think he's being used as he is the youngest that I know of."

"And what about you?"

I shrug. Could you call it pleasure? I work, but what good does it show? I call myself a musician, but I haven't played anywhere serious since the jazz club first opened. I'm a sucker for habits.

"I'll be around playing my old tunes. It's just the life of luxury for me."

Jimin cracks a smile. I swear, I could cup his face in my hand if I wanted. He's so fragile and small. I want to hug him, but I'd have a fear of breaking him like glass.

"Thanks for the tea. I forgot how comforting it can be on a pretty night like this." Jimin says, changing the subject. "I'm not usually a tea person, but it's a nice change."

"It's helpful for getting a good night's sleep," I stretch my legs, "which I think both of us will need."

Jimin gulps the rest of his tea and I take care of placing it back on the tray. I help him to his feet and walk with him to his cabin. Mine is across the hall on the other side, but what's the rush? Namjoon is probably asleep at this hour anyway. Besides, I could use a night of walking to clear my mind.

"It was nice meeting you, Yoongi," Jimin says as we near his cabin. "I'll see you tomorrow for practice?"

I reassure him yes and wait at the door until it's fully closed. That's when I let out the breath I had held ever since I saw him on the ship. He doesn't look like what I've heard; in fact, he looks the opposite—a scared and soft little kid.

Then again, there's me. And I know more than they do.

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