Chapter 37: Seokjin

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The boat shakes as we are lowered. I've seen the guests wander through the hallways in passing, but tonight their happiness is replaced with confusion, worry, and anxiety. There is little space to sit, though it does seem possible to fit in a few more people.

Across from me, Father entertains Lady Eleanor in saying that all is fine. She, as well as the others who are listening, believe him instantly. "And what of the Hope Diamond? Has it been found?"

Of course she would only care about jewelry.

"Yes, there's no need for panic," Father assures her. "Old Maurice caught the culprit."

My heart stops. He caught Ji-woo. They will send a little girl to her death all for stealing. Granted, I have no idea why a young girl like her would ever need a diamond, but she is only a child. She should never have this fate.

"Where is she?" I snap.

Father doesn't spare me a glance. "In a separate cabin. I'm sure once help arrives she'll be transported on board with the rest of us," he says.

"You bastard."

"Excuse me?"

Father and Lady Eleanor are staring at me. For once in my life, I stare back. I don't care if my reputation falls apart. Much like this ship, my life is sinking the longer I stay with these people who I spent so much time appealing to. I'm done with being polite.

"Seokjin!" a voice shouts.

Oh my God. It's Jungkook.

He's with Taehyung, who has a black eye and is leaning on him for support.

"Get in the boat!" I scream. "Jump!"

I've shoved people away to clear a path for them, Lady Eleanor is shrieking like a rat. Father is trying to pull me aside, but it's useless.

"I forbid you to let them aboard!" Father says. "We'll get another garden boy!"

I shove him back as hard as I can. Father almost goes flying over and, in a sick twisted part of me, I want that to happen. Instead, I turn my attention back to Jungkook and Taehyung. At this rate, they will have to jump a longer distance.

"Please," I beg.

Jungkook glances at Taehyung, then back at me. He has never once failed to make up his mind, even when the cost was his own life. Jungkook took risks that would put him in the ground beaten to death. If he wanted to jump, he would have done so.

But he doesn't.

"Seokjin?" I hear Father say.

I climb to the far side of the tiny boat until all I see is the ocean below. My body is trembling, I can't tell if it's from the cold or my nerves. Either way, I shove down my panic and take a deep breath.

Then I turn around and jump.

My hands find the edge of the railing as I clamor back onto the ship. Multiple people are yelling at me. The crew, officers, Father, and Jungkook. I can't hear any of them. All I'm able to do is hold on.

Someone grabs my hands and pulls me up. I hoist myself over the rail and collapse onto the floor. Namjoon is next to me, panting.

"What are you thinking?" he finally says. "Why didn't you stay on the boat?"

I swallow. His beautiful face is a mixture of anger and relief. I don't know which one is stronger. I'm lucky to be alive, but this is the first time I've ever felt alive. "Namjoon, you are not the only one who can jump onto ships."


"If you are going to be reckless, then so am I."

I grab his face and lean in. Our lips connect. It's like a spark running down my core. I don't think, I just latch onto him. I feel my hair being brushed aside as Namjoon kisses me back. His lips are firm, but welcoming.

All around us, I hear gasps. I once would have shoved Namjoon off of me to protect my dignity. I would have jumped with Father and kissed my fun goodbye. Now times are different. Now I embrace Namjoon and the shock that follows.

Because what is life without risks?

Namjoon draws back and giggles. "I thought I'd never see you again." His eyes swim with tears as he kisses me again and again, like he's incapable of stopping. I'm not complaining. "You know your father will kill you, right?"

I glance back and find the boat has disappeared out of sight. Father is gone. Lady Eleanor is gone. And I am free. Ironically, I'm more free on a sinking ship than a life boat with two people. I don't regret my choice in the slightest.

We stay close together until Jungkook and Taehyung come around to us. Taehyung limps, but the pain doesn't stop him from smiling. He and Jungkook are babbling about how they bet we were an item, which makes me want to throw them both overboard.

Namjoon just laughs and that's enough to calm me down.

I then feel my feet slowly sliding underneath me. Namjoon must feel the same because he squeezes my hand tighter. The entire ship gradually tilts, and I hear a low creak coming below us.

I rush to look over the railing and I gasp. Ahead, I see the forecastle deck submerged in water. The rest of the ship slowly builds with water. With any luck, we'll have only an hour at most to survive without assistance.

But the lifeboats are already leaving. 

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