Let Me Love

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"do we have to go?" Jade says, pouting as the blonde takes her hand, leading her to the front door.

"yes baby, we have to. They're your parents." she says, fumbling with the lock, securing her hand around the brunettes, making sure they didn't have a repeat of last Christmas.

"I DON'T WANT TO GO!" jade screams, pulling her hand away from Perrie's grasp, running to the bedroom, slipping under the bed.

"jeed..." the blonde sighs, knowing they're already half an hour late with all the traffic ahead of them.

She walks to the bedroom, softly calling her wife's name, knowing she's curled up in a ball under the bed.

"my love, come out." she pats the soft carpeted floor, hoping the brunette hurries up.

"I'm gay. There." she growls back, staying where she was.

"baby, you know that's not what I meant. Please princesa..."

Oh she just knew the brunette couldn't resist.

"fine but promise you'll stop them." she says, holding in panic.

Perrie nods, knowing the brunettes parents weren't exactly the best people, especially to their own child.

"I promise, princesa, now please come here for me?"

"but I don't want to go." Jade whimpers, tugging on the blonde's arm.

"it's Okay, my love. Remember how fun last time was?"

The brunette shakes her head, vividly remembering her falling asleep on her (was last year) girlfriend, on her parents' sofa.

"well you were a very good girl when we got there. Now please, I'd love a repeat of that. Can you do that for me princess?" Perrie turns around to look her wife in the eyes, searching for any signs of not understanding.

The brunette hesitates but nods wearily. If it means making her wife happy, she'd do it all.

"good girl."

When they got there, they were fashionably late, Jade covered in tears of a panic attack she had in the car, and Perrie holding her in her arms on the doorstep of the thirlwall household. However, even though they were in a state, they were welcomed in kindly, Jade hiding in her wife as if these people weren't her parents and siblings.

"Jade, Perrie." Jade's father nods at them both, giving Perrie a look of pity when he sees what the blonde has in her arms.

"please sit, you want a drink?" he addresses to Perrie, who nods and motions for a champagne.

"is jade having one too?" he asks, but the blonde shakes her head, stroking the brunettes hair as she curls up in her lap, recreating last year.

"she'll be fine, I wouldn't be surprised if she sleeps all afternoon, she's nackered." she smiles down at the girl, who looks up at her with hazy eyes.

"ok, ill be back, feel free to watch TV. You know how it works." he does a thumbs up then walks out, leaving perrie and jade on the sofa.

"why can't I drink" jade furrows her eyebrows, pouting at the blonde.

"jeed look at you, you're almost a baby."


"I'm joking my love, you're tired and I don't want to make you hyper, it's not good after the low you hit earlier." perrie says, knowing Jade better than the back of her hand.

"ugh fine." the brunette geordie sighs, secretly loving how her wife just knew her inside out. She was on the brink of sleeping anyways.

The blonde took delicate sips of her drink, the bubbling liquid barely sending her into a buzz, instead it made her more cuddly. In this case, the small brunette in her arms benefitted greatly.

Perrie looks down at Jade, who is now comfortable sleeping in her lap, like an innocent baby cradled in someone's arms. She was so fragile, yet so strong, coming back to the place that only brought her memories of her broken past. She's here, safe in her blonde's grasp.

"so... How has the year been since we last saw you?" Jade's mother says, smiling bitterly.

"great thank you, we had our wedding-" perrie begins.

"which I may remind you that we weren't invited. To our own daughters wedding as well." she interrupts, sternly raising an eyebrow.

Perrie swallows a petty argument, continuing...

"we had our honeymoon in Malibu {sorry I had to bubs}
And we even planned on adopting or getting an iv, however-"

She was interrupted by the father this time who walked in at the mention of a child. "Jade, having a child? You're kidding. She's such a baby herself, the baby would changer her nappy." he chuckles, rolling his eyes and sitting lazily on the couch opposite perrie, next to his wife, drinking a bottle of whisky.

"well... We just collectively decided it wasn't time yet. However, she is perfectly capable of taking care of a child. To be so rude to your daughter-"

"are you telling us how to raise our own child?! I always knew you'd be wrong for my daughter. Never mind the fact you're a woman." the mother spits, grimacing.

"this is why we don't come. Let me love her. You'd know what it's like to love someone if you weren't so cold."

"get out." the father says, pointing at the door down the hallway, standing up.

"that's what I was planning on doing. Jadey wake up..." she taps the sleeping girl, who stirs with u comfort but knowing what's happening. She instantly grabs her wife's hand, who leads her straight to the door.

"don't even bother trying to invite us next year. If it's like this, I'll make sure never to come back."

"oh we won't. I don't agree with this. Go."

The two leave, getting in the car and taking a relieved breath. Jade doesn't let go of Perries hand, a chill possessing her.

"don't worry Jadore, let me keep you safe."

And with that, the wifes collapse into each others arms, healing the sharpness the thirlwall family left on them.

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