that dancing brunette pt1

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The second Perrie walked into the suffocating club, she found exactly who she was looking for - the petite brunette from the other day. She looked gorgeous, up on that stage dancing like no one was watching.

Her body was the work of artists, sculpted by the hands of angels. Her curves were highlighted by the thinnest of lingerie, dark green lace. Her hair was allowed to fall to her shoulders in wire-like curls, enhancing her beautiful structure.

This brunette in particular was one of the clubs favorites, Perrie agreed. Her body was toned, heavily practiced. She gripped the steel pole with ease, her head falling back like she wasn't using every muscle to keep herself positioned at such height. Particularly, her facial expressions were muted but dangerous. The way her eyes pierced those in the front row, a glossy shine familiar to a look of lust.

"sex on the beach, make it quick." Perrie knocks the bar surface twice. The bartender nods, taking Perries black card from her fingertips.

The blonde taps her acrylics on the marble to the rhythm of the song that played to the brunettes movements. She watches intently, her body keeping steady with the assistance of the bar beside her.

"you really like her dont you." a voice breaks her concentration on the girl, and she scoffs annoyed.

"Yeah, you're blocking my view."

the figure doesn't move, in fact, it sits in the chair infront of her.

"I apologise, her shift is ending about now anyways." Perrie frowns, trying to move her body to find the girl gone.

"great, thanks." The blonde grins unhappily and takes the drink placed by her hand.

"don't go just yet." The deep voice draws perrie back from her movement towards the crowd.

"what do you need, if you couldn't tell im here for women." Perrie sighs, adjusting her eyes to find the man's eyes.

"I have a proposal for you."

"Oh, in that case, all business deals go to my manager Joe, his number is first thing on the website." Perrie goes to leave again but the man places a hand on her shoulder.

"You might want to hear this first hand, Edwards."

"Fine. Make it quick." She takes a sip of her drink, satisfied to feel something run down her throat.

"I know how much you want that dancer and I know how much money you have-"

Perrie puts the glass down, wincing at his words.

"No, I'm not into selling people. To think I'd ever stoop to that level for a girl."

"Thats not what I was proposing, Edwards. If you let me finish."

Perrie hesitates, then nods once. The music just seems to keep getting louder, so she gets closer to the figure.

"Invest in us. That's all i ask. Shes very talented, but soon we may not be able to afford it. In that case, she will be moved to some other club, or worse, left jobless." He sounds humble, but as if he knows his way around words.

Perrie thinks.

This brunette means a lot more to her than she primarily believed. The idea of the girl going through financial trouble, she'd pay incredibly high amounts to keep her stable, and more.

So she agrees.

Ten drinks later and a contract signed, the business is now half hers. Her mind is hazy from the volume of liquor in her blood, so she managed to end the conversation and take a break in the fresh air by the fire escape.

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