Cornelia street

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The streets are quiet, the sound of my flat converse tapping against the damp pavement. The air is thin, 'just-rained' scent very present even after a couple hours. Although it was dark, the nightlife here was not as amazing as it used to be, abandoned bars with buzzing LED logos half-hung off the buildings as good as it got here. 

Tired of walking as fast as i do, i take a moment to inhale some of the chilled autumn air around me. Refreshing - i thought. I catch my breath pretty quickly, continuing my speed, walking down the longest road known to man; that is an exaggeration... It's like 10 minutes long. 

I get to a crossing, and i mindlessly cross, knowing that the only thing that could be passing by is a lone fly trying to find the nearest garbage can.

Streetlamps flicker above me, and i wouldn't have it any other way, i like the ambience. The leaves that pattern the streets like sprinkles glisten under the light, which look like small Jupiter planets in puddles.

"Excuse me?" 

I blink twice, turning my head hesitantly at the sound of another voice on a usually empty pavement.

I'm  usually the extrovert, but the way that this person hid under a hood made me feel uneasy. I've heard of the things that beggars do in the secret darkness of the night-time in London.

"Sorry, I dont have money -" I rush, picking up the pace a little.

"No- wait-" The person raises her voice, and i stop my footsteps, finally bringing my attention to the mysterious person. "I just need directions." 

I raise my eyebrows, feeling slightly relieved that i wasn't going to be bombarded with a violent attack. She lifts a hand to remove the hood covering her face, and I chew my cheek to suppress the strange surprise i felt at the girl's beauty.

Although it was dark, the flickering yellow of the streetlamps lit her up enough to reveal a blonde with hazy blue eyes and glistening lips. I love how she wore no exaggerated makeup, only a light blush enhancing her cheeks.

"Oh, sure... where to?" I ask, having pride in my knowledge of these streets.

"The... party bar?" she says, completely unsure of even the existence of the bar.      

(I actually laughed at how bad my imagination is. I need a tutor in london... i litro live here.)

I smile, "You're in the wrong country, love." 

"I am?" she says, looking worried.

Chuckling, i wave my hand in the air, "I'm only kidding. It's not far from here. Allow me to direct you..." I say, as a gentleman would. 

"Okay..." she says quietly. 

As we make our way to the small stripper bar in the corner of the city , to make small talk, I clear my throat and smile,

"So, why would you be looking for this particular place? I don't think you seem the type... excuse me for the assumption." 

"Oh- i get that. No, I'm actually looking for a friend. She needed picking up or something." she laughed with restraint.

"Oh, is she -" i make a motion with my finger, which comes out looking halfway between me, pointing at my nose and me drinking a pint.

"Yep," she laughs at my antics, and i blush at the sound of her laugh moving so fluidly, "She is way more outgoing than i am." 

I shake my head, "Well, i think you're very outgoing. You came up to me out of all people on a lonely street to ask for directions... and you're still talking to me."

"That's true." 

The conversation dies, but comfortably. I put my hands in my jacket pockets, clutching onto the ring that falls into my hand. I sigh, looking at the smaller brunette beside me, then bite my lip affected by the new thickness in the air. 

We walk for a little longer, and i stop at an inconspicuous black door in the middle of a street, luckily there's more people here to make it a little bit livelier. 

"Here it is."

"Oh, thank you." she nods her head gracefully, and I blush at her action, doing the same.

"No problem."

we stand and stare into each others eyes for a moment, which makes my chest flutter slightly. The initial uneasy feeling i had about her in a shady hood is now replaced by a warmth that not even a fire could reenact. It was as if I was feeling as my teenage self felt at my first real crush, but it felt so raw and utterly new.

I sigh, completely intoxicated by the awe of her soothing smile, but I force myself to look away st the door of the bar, which only opens up to a man with an oddly shaped fade.

I was about to regrettably leave her be, but she caught my attention once again with a small touch on my forearm, which sends incredible butterflies to my stomach - how could I feel this way?

"it was very nice to meet you, could you... keep me company while I wait?"

I turned to look directly at her, and I melt at the way her eyebrows pulled together and her lips barely tugged to a small pout.

her cheeks and the tip of her nose were now rosy, which was cute but definitely due to the frosty air. it had gotten a lot colder since we began talking, and our breaths now formed fogs of cloud in the air in front of us.

"Okay, but..." I take my jacket off my shoulders, feeling impulsed to make the move, "here, wear this."

she shakes her head and waves it off, but I go behind her to put it on her shoulders.

"it's getting colder, and I didn't need it anyways."

"Thank you, really." she sighs, giving up.

"No problem... wait, I never got your name..."


"Perrie Edwards,  nice to meet you, Jade." I say, shaking her hand like a businesswoman.

"The same goes for you."

we stand for a few more moments, until a woman in high heels and an outfit you could barely call am outfit, walks out of the black door. Jade seems to know her, and I help guide her to the door, my hand firmly placed on her lower back to help her through the growing crowd.


"JADEEEE- I MET THIS GUY-" she yells, clearly displaying the effects of her drinking.

"Yes, yes, you can tell me all about it later. Let's get you home." Jade says calmly, wrapping her arms around the taller girl.

"Okay, I shall leave you to it." I smile, hiding the sadness I felt at the disconnect between me and the brunette.

"See you again, Perrie edwards." Jade smiles back, distracted by the drunk woman clutching to her side.

I say no more, striding to the other side of the street till I can no longer see the short brunette. It was disappointing, to say the least, the feeling I had drawing further and further away as I walked back to my small apartment.

Something about that girl reminded me all the more about things I thought I couldn't feel ever again. Maybe it was because I hadn't met someone so familiar in character since, but the connection felt too real to be a misunderstanding. The way she smiled and how her face squeezed tightly when she was laughing.

If only there was a real chance we would meet again.

I go to take my ring back from my pocket, but my eyes widen when I realise I'm left only in a black tee-shirt. I gave her my coat, and with that, the ring.

There was no chance that she'd still be there, so I couldn't run back to chase her down. I grab my phone and realise not only did I not have her last name, but almost all Instagram of a Jade were private, and I was not scrolling through each and stalking a bunch of strangers.

'Why did I have to be so kind?' I curse myself, mentally slapping my cheek.


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