Jerrie After Little Mix

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For the sake of jerrie, we are pretending Alex and Jordan don't exist, as well as axel in this case. Nothing against them but it rlly would clash my storyline... And yes I'm back

"why are we out here again, it's freezing." the brunette sighs, countering her statement by attacking the blondes lips feverishly.

"are you telling me you want to go?" the taller girl breathes out against her girlfriends swollen lips.

The shorter girl stumbles forwards pushing the other against the rough surface of the surrounding brick alleyway walls, shaking her head.

"Jade, I need your answer, because if you're that cold-" she shoves the brunette off her, a smirk plastered on her face, "you can go back inside with leigh Anne."

"You know what I want." Jade growls, taking Perrie's wrists and pinning them to the brick, causing the taller girl to smirk even more.

"Desperate aren't you, don't you think?" her wrists hang limp, trapped by Jade's touch.

"shut up, Perrie. Don't make me tease you." Jade mumbles, kissing the skin below Perrie's ear.

"I dare you." Perrie easily breaks free, bringing a hand down below the hem of Jade's shirt, a shiver reverberating through the younger girl.

She swallows, considering her next move.

"no. I don't want to go." Jade gulps, wafting away the slipping hand on her thigh.

"That's what I wanted to hear. Good girl." Perrie brings two blunt nails to scratch the bottom of the brunettes chin, making blood rush to her face.

"Guys if I have to tell you one more time to move, I will literally end up in jail." a voice from behind them cuts them off and they turn to the sound, rolling their eyes at the sight of Leigh, her head poking out the open kitchen window.

"oh please, Leigh. What suffering were we going to give you?" jade groans, glancing back at her girlfriend, who nods along.

"well maybe if you could 'watch the sunset together' without sucking out each others souls, I would be able to also watch the sunset in peace." Leigh huffs, watching the two eye each other smirking. "See Perrie, you've left her with no soul left for non sexual rational thought."

"Leigh Anne we do not have a clue what you are on about." Perrie smiles innocently, absentmindedly stroking the side of Jade's cheek as she leans her forehead on her shoulder.

"Guys it's cute, but please get a room." Another voice ripples from behind Leigh.

"Shut up Andre." Jade yells nonchalantly, her hand slipping under Perries arm, holding her close in the colder breeze.

"i cannot believe I've spent 15 years with you bullies." Leigh Anne smiles, lightly throwing a towel at the two girls.

"should have thought twice about letting us stay here with you guys." Jade throws it back, hitting Andre square in the face.

"oh trust me, I didn't agree. You guys claimed it was 'till we find a good enough house for us' but apparently ours is the only one suitable for your high standards."

"what can I say? London is very photogenic, but your house just seems to fit the picture better." Jade pretends to take a photo of the three story detached house, Perrie swatting her hands back to her side.

"Just come inside, Perrie your girlfriend is going to freeze to death, as much as I hate her." Leigh waves the to the door, where they rush inside, Jade heading straight to the kitchen to make a cup of tea.


"Bubba!" Jade shouts, mashing the keyboard of her frozen laptop, which contains very important files much to Jade's inconvenience as it continues to break every time she logs in.

"what is it love?" Perrie sighs, walking from the living room, where they were playing a game of monopoly.

"it broke again." jade pouts.

Perrie finds this adorable, putting on her best 'mommy's got you' face and walking over to Jade, who is cross legged on their Queen sized bed.

"baby, I don't think hitting it is going to fix it." she chuckles, prying Jade's hands from the keys.

"it worked last time..." jade mumbles, frowning at the screen.

"and what else happened last time." Perrie raises an eyebrow, taking the laptop and sitting on the edge of the bed, placing it on her lap.

"Andre had to buy a new screen for me." jade says guiltily, sitting beside Perrie, looping her arm under hers.

"exactly. Now, we don't want that to happen again, do we?" the blonde hums, kissing the brunettes forehead.

Jade shakes her head, closing her eyes and sighing.

Perrie taps a few memorised keys, more prepared this time as she knows it is inevitable that jade will continue to have the same technological issues every so often. It was cheaper and faster than having to go find someone to save the dying piece of tech.

"there. Now princesa take a break and sit with me in the living room. You will get stressed." she closes the laptop, having fixed the issue and slips it under the bed.

"but I have work-"

"work can wait princess. Come, we can drink some tea." she pulls the brunette onto her lap and carries her bridal style out of the room.

Jade, unwillingly complying, melts into the blondes hold. She loves how the blonde cares for her, even if she would rather do anything than watch a game of monopoly, she manages to get her to calm. She knows Jade like the back of her hand, and even if Jade would deny it, she knows when she is becoming too stressed for her own good.

"Ands, put on the kettle." Perrie asks, sitting on the sofa, Jade still in her arms on her lap.

He does so, making them both a cup of tea each.

Meanwhile, Perrie makes her move in the game, keeping one hand drawing patterns on the brunettes side. Jade turns to face the game, her eyes closed. She curls up, getting comfortable in Perries lap, and tries to nap. They try to keep quiet at the game, Perrie keeping her drawings steady as she knows it keeps the girl from stirring. Her touch is everything to Jade, who is very much physical when it comes to love language.

Eventually, jade falls asleep. Even then, Perrie does not move her.

"I need to get a picture of this." leigh Anne whispers, taking out her phone.

"send it to me." Perrie says proudly, posing for the photo.

Part 2?

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