Falling in love

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it's deliberately short, like the song - short and sweet

I place my head on the cold glass window beside me, holding my mug - half filled with hot chocolate - between both my hands. I let my eyes close, calming my heavy thoughts with the peaceful drops of rain that knocked politely against the glass. My legs crossed together, sitting comfortably on the window-sill I had covered in blankets and pillows previously.

It was nice living on the coast; there were days filled with sun and warmth, the sand glistening as you took a barefoot trek along the shoreline. As well as those, the days of storms were never gloomy.

Something was so soothing about the sun hidden behind dark clouds, a break from reality. Everything was quiet, humble drops of rain pattering beside me.

And of course, the body that held me close to them. Perrie Edwards.

Everyone sees this blonde as some exterior, nose pointed upwards, bitch - but she gave me something else. At first, it was scary. Who'd have known that out of all people, she'd choose the brunette who served her coffee at 8 am on Wednesdays and Thursdays? However, now, she's no longer a stranger.

Instead, she lay, curled up to my side, softly stroking my thigh with the tip of her nails. Her breathing was light, long and drawn to appreciate the moment. Although time always went too fast when she was with me, this felt like hours. And I wasnt complaining.

"Jade?" I look down at her, smiling uncontrollably when she looks back up with tinted cheeks.

"Yes, pez?" I reply, butterflies suffocating my heart.

"Can I tell you something?" She asks, her voice lowers, matching the quiet patters of the rain.

I bring a hand to cup her cheek, caressing the softness and nod. "Anything."

"You don't have to say anything back though, I don't want you to-"

I interrupt her, leaning down to kiss her forehead. Her fingertips stop their movements and they move to my hips. She readjusts to straddle my lap and I stare into her hypnotising eyes.

"Nothing could change how I feel, nothing." I lean in and prolonging kiss her.

"Jade, I think im in love with you."

I dont say anything, my cheeks burning and my chest tightening.

"I'm sorry-"

I take the words from her mouth, pressing my lips to hers again. At first, she is tense, she's not used to saying things like that, but then she softens, her breath calming.

"I love you, Perrie." I reply, stunned at my own words, but continuing to leave her lingering kisses.


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