She Gotta Stay

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Idea given by @tilly8188 💕💕

Perrie's pov

"Morning love." I smile, watching Jade turn over in bed to face me with lazy eyes.

I hold my coffee in hand, frowning when I don't get my usual puppy dog eyes that glisten and blink tiredly at me when she wakes. Instead her hazelnut orbs are bloodshot and dull, in fact, her completion was pale and grey, bags under her eyes.

"hi bubba" she groans, hoarsely. Then a wave of coughs attack her, forcing her to push her head into the pillow to conceal the sound.

I instantly rush to her side, setting my mug down and sitting cross legged beside her. She doesn't move, her brown curls, the only thing I can see. I stroke her side, frowning.

"Jade baby are you feeling ok ?"  I ask, leaning down to kiss her bed hair.

"mhm mm I'm fine don't worry... I've got an important meeting today remember?" she whispers, her voice cracking at the last syllable.

I do remember her telling me, she never seemed to stop talking about it. It was something that could possibly change her entire career, and maybe change my life too. Something about singing... Or something.

But clearly Jade was not fit for singing today, never mind talking. Surely she can move the meeting because if she thinks I'm letting her out with even a simple cold, she better think again.

"I know my love, but you're sick! How can you perform or anything when you're in this state?" I argue softly, playing with her smooth curls.

"I'm not sick! I'm fine... I don't even need to sing they just want me to sign some papers and talk about my life." she mumbles into the pillow, even then I could hear the croakiness in her voice.

"Jeed no, make them change it, can't you hear yourself? Also you're coughing a lot, you can't show up like this to a meeting." I exclaim, watching her head turn to face me.

Her bloodshot eyes glance at me guiltily. She knows I'm right.

"yea but-" then she starts coughing again, louder and harsher this time. It rightly makes me panic, and I tilt my head giving her a 'I told you so' look.

"But pez, this means so much to me! I need it." she says sadly, her voice barely coming out.

"Jadey, we can ask them to change the date, I'm sure they wouldn't mind. Plus, do you think they'd want to catch what you have?" I let her sit up and straddle my lap, her head stuffing into my neck. "Definately not. Let me take care of you princess."

I run a hand through her tangled hair, the other rubbing her back. I know she's wanted this meeting to go so smoothly, but she deserves the break anyways, she's been stressing over the damn meeting for weeks. At least the date will be pushed back...

" please perrie I can't ask a famous contractor to change a date. Please?" she whispers into my ear, sending goosebumps up my neck. But I shake my head.

"Jadore, you know my answer already. You're ill. I will make you recover and then you can go."

She sighs then nods. "fine but you can't go to work either then."

"me go to work when you're sick? Oh I will be with you so much today you'll hate me." I laugh, patting the bed. "now get back in bed, I have some breakfast to make."

"thank you baba." she kisses my lips, crawling back under the blanket again.

"ill be in the kitchen if you need me." I smile, giving her a final peck before taking my coffee to the kitchen.


I make breakfast, and no, it's not pancakes like every other person seems to assume I make. (🙄🥞😂) I make Jade her favorite blueberry muffins, of course she loves them, I made them. I top them off with a little powdered sugar before putting them on a tray with a cup of tea. She loves tea too.

I blush, knowing I'm doing what Jade loves. Being there for her and taking care of her is simply a dream to me. All I want is her to be happy and healthy and always in my arms.

I carefully carry the tray through the apartment, enjoying the view out the huge glass windows of Jade's apartment. Sunrises are something I adore. The beginning of a fresh, new day, which will bring many good memories of all the moments I have with the love of my life. She is my sunrise.

After almost forgetting I'm in a body, I walk over to Jade, who's smiling up at me. Even when she's at her weakest physically, she still manages to bring those high school butterflies to my stomach with that smile.

"here you go my love." I hand her the tray, being careful to make sure it doesn't spill.

She grins gratefully and starts eating straight away. I play with her hair, watching her adoringly as she satisfies her hunger. She's so pretty.

"I can't lie to you pez, this is amazing and all, but I feel like I'm about to throw up." she says, way too calmly for my brain to comprehend.

"you feel sick?" my eyes widen and I instantly take the tray, setting it on the bedside table.

She nods, shutting her eyes to compose herself before shaking it and running to the bathroom. God she's really sick isn't she.

I chase after her, sitting by her side while she throws up in the toilet. I hold back her hair and tie it in a messy bun so it doesn't get in it. Jade whines; she hates throwing up. It's one of the things she can't deal with, especially on her own.

So I hold her and pull her into me, letting her lean just close enough so she can still throw up but hold me. Her hands grip my wrists till her knuckles turn white and I kiss her shoulder a thousand times. She doesn't deserve this, especially when she was so ready for the meeting today.

I called them up earlier and they were perfectly fine with changing to another week, glad I spoke to them. They asked me to make sure she was completely fine before even thinking about going. Her health is their priority, and it's mine too.

"ok I think it's gone." she groans, closing her eyes and leaning into me.

"baby I'm sorry you felt sick, I know you hate it." I say softly, caressing her hand with my thumb.

"don't worry, I just have a bug or something. It'll be gone soon." she puts on a smile, but I see her tired eyes.

"hopefully it will, let's get you back into bed misses." I carry her, like I did on our wedding day, all the way to the bedroom.

She cuddles into me, dragging me into the bed with her, and putting her head into my chest. She closes her eyes and I don't move, wanting her to sleep. And she does. And it's the cutest thing ever.

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