Because You're Mine - Smut

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My own idea cuz I finally had inspo to do this for once

Perrie threw her papers across the room, exhausted from hours of non stop writing and signing endless forms. It never seemed to stop, one paper after the other. It had been a whole day and she'd done nothing but scribble her name in tiny writing, consenting to thousands of companies to take a piece of her earnings from her billion pound company. She was used to it, but she was getting quickly bored of the process, wishing there was a copy and paste robot to take her place.

However, the view from her skyscraper office was worth it. She could watch the sun set as she packed up her stuff into her purse, adoring how the sun glows proudly over the skyline. It was imperfect, each building in the way of her sight, yet the sun still had a burning presence over them. The only reason she didn't give up the stupid writing: to see this view.

Perrie strides to the lift, after watching the sun set to just a light burn. She decided since it was a Friday, she'd go to the bar. A drink would lay off a little stress.

So she texted her girlfriend a little message saying she'd be a little late home, and walked to the nearby bar. There was a little crowd of people, but no one was too close. She sat at the bar, the bartender taking her order and making the drink. She watched the man do his job, so precisely, perfectly. It was crazy to think someone could catch liquid so close to spilling, while it was spinning in a thousand directions, with a single hand.

Her drink arrived at her hand in a couple of minutes, and the blonde waved of the man with a nod. She took a swig and sighed. It was strange to be at a bar all alone.

"sorry." someone tapped her on the shoulder, forcing her to turn her head at the touch.

She caught the eye of a girl, who had silky black hair, tired up in a ponytail at the back of her head. She smiled, at least it wasn't some creep.

"can I help?" perrie asks, placing her cocktail on the table.

"I'm really sorry to intrude, but I wanted to ask if you'd seen a phone anywhere?" the black haired girl says with slight panic.

"hey there's no need to worry, I'm sure it's here." perrie looks under and over the bar, yet there wasn't one. "if you don't find it, I'll buy you a new one." she says, feeling bad for the new acquaintance.

"no please I couldn't make you do that, I can just ask around." she says refusing to let perrie do such a thing.

"no let me."

As perrie takes out her purse, another hand lands on her shoulder, except this time it was a familiar touch. It moved up her neck with delicate fingers and she couldn't help but shiver at the feeling.

"jade." she breathed out, like it was a curse word.

"talking to other girls now, are we?" she could feel the brunettes hand tighten around her neck slightly, and she knew she'd fucked up.

"oh I'm sorry I was just asking-" the black haired girl tried to excuse, in fear of the presence of such a dominant aura.

"I'm sure you were. Now leave. She's not going to hold your hand on the way out."

The girl leaves without another word, looking down at the ground.

Jade spins perrie around, the stool squeaking below perrie. She glares at the blonde, her eyelids hanging low.

"jade I swear-"

"I don't care. I take you when I want." the brunette says, still keeping eye contact with perrie.

"but-you can't it's rude." perrie sighs, taking another sip of her drink.

"it's not rude, I do what I want because you're mine." jade smiles fakely, placing a hand on Perrie's jawline.

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