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For the first time, the brunette found herself stood in front of a mirror, endlessly focused on the reflection that staring back at her, looking unnerved. She just hated it. It was as if she had been told her entire life that her body was something so useless. She'd felt used.

Tears were falling, chasing each other like tiny snakes, running down her cheeks. She cried silently, biting down on her lip to hide the aching cries that ebbed in her throat. She couldn't bear to look herself in the eye but she continued to watch herself break down in the glossy mirror. Watching. Watching as if she was looking down on some pathetic child starving for food.

She considered texting someone. Well, it was less someone and more of the only person she ever wanted to text. Perhaps this one particular human in her life would save her from her misery and bring her back to her usual happy self.

But she decided against it. After all, it seemed too much to ask from someone. What would they say anyways?

But she longed for it.

She missed the voice of the blonde on the other side. The blonde she closed her eyes and saw in a distant silhouette. The girl she wanted to watch over her. She was the image of an angel, as well as being a literal angel in her life.

She always seemed to be there when she needed her most, instead of the usual 'friends' who are always too busy when you're at your lowest. She was the one who brought the girl to her highest without trying.

But she didn't give her the chance. To even consider the fact that the blonde didn't care brought a worsening ache to the brunette. Anything could seem like a loving message from behind a screen but truly, what was it worth to them? It was simply a few words on a screen. She was probably doing the same to everyone else.

So she refused to message her, accepting the pain she brought to her mind when she caught her own eye. She looked horrible. It was her own fault though. She thought that for one second she had someone to herself.

But it wasn't her fault that she was stood in front of the mirror in tears. It was his.

He brought a sick feeling to her stomach and she ran to the bathroom to avoid throwing up on her carpet. He was the one who brought her here.

Brown haired fuckboy.

He'd broken the brunette to pieces without even touching her. The constant ignorance. The hiding away. The cheating. The beg for forgiveness then doing it all over again.

And tonight, she decided to tell him her feelings for someone else and he hit her. He hit her. The mark had gone but the feeling was still numbing the side of her face.

'no you're mine. You promised'

'well you promised you'd be there for me. Where were you yesterday when I was fucking crying out for help?'

'I'm sorry you were upset but I was having a bad day!'

'well it's over. I can't do it. Plus there's someone else-'

She winces, remembering the contact to her cheek like it was repeating over and over. The sharp ping ripping at her skin like a thousand needles.

But she was also relieved. She'd finally removed him from her life. No more hoping for attention. No more endless tears for him. He didnt deserve her tears.

Buzz buzz

The brunette turn around to see her phone light up on her bedside table, instantly taking her eyes off her devastating amalgamation and walking towards the glowing light that lit up the room.

As if it was sent by god himself in a glowing chariot, a message from the only person she wished a message from.

'... Sent you a snap'

She smiles, even though the warm, salty tears continue to stream. It was like a golden leaf had fallen from a tree. The impossible wish of this girl to take her from her own misery coming true without her trying to force the universe to do it.

She opens it instantly, sniffling but gleaming at the sight of the blonde. She brought her immediate peace, seeing her perfect smile. Warmth rising within her, she replies with a heart emoji, trying not to make it obvious that she was hurting.

But the blonde notices, tilting her head at the screen when all she sees is a small white heart. She was used to the brunettes bubbly reply, perhaps a string of heart eyed emojis or a cute message. But when she saw the typing sign fade, she frowned.

'are you ok?'

'mhm' Jade replies, her smile disappearing.

'doesn't seem like it, wheres my happy girl hmm?'

The hazel eyed gets butterflies, shutting her eyes for a second.

'she's busy being sick' she almost gags at the reminder of her ex.

'awe why?'

'I ended it and he... Did something'

'good that you ended it, he was one of a kind. But what did he do?'

'he hit me'

The blonde freezes, imaging the girl probably crouched under the covers, sick to the stomach with thoughts of him. She knew the girl.

'I'm coming over.'

'you don't have to I'm fine, just a little nausea'

'no I'm coming. You need me.'

And that was when the brunette finally admitted it. She not only had feelings for the girl, she'd become dependent on her. Like a drug she took too often. She'd fallen hard. It didn't help that the girl was too damn angelic.

' I do. '

Without the blonde, who knew what she'd do.


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