A little kiss

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Perrie is a goddess, remarkably beautiful, sickeningly admirable. She's got everything anyone could want. But she's also impossible to get. Everyone's who's had the chance has been left after one night, waking up to think it was just a dream.
And I can only assume she's had everyone because she's coming up to me.

"bathrooms now." she dismisses herself, expecting me to obey and slyly follow.

But my legs stay still. I'm not getting broken.

When she passes by, everyone eyes her, some ache to have her attention, some have already felt her anguish. You can see the difference with their side eyed glances, secretly recollecting their memories and once again questioning their sense of reality.

However, my efforts are wasted when she pushes the door to the girls bathrooms open, not even turning back to see me. I sigh, letting my curiosity take me to her. Maybe she just wants something else... If not, I'll just say no.

I exhale my held in breath, seeing her reapplying lip gloss, leaning against the sink. No one uses these toilets for some reason, meaning everything looks a lot cleaner in this bathroom than the other ones. I blame the fact its next to the principles office, you can't do anything without being afraid she'd just walk in to see.

I let the door swing shut, locking out the noise of the bustling corridor outside. I chew my lip, not knowing whether to say anything or just stand here watching her do her makeup.

"I bought the wrong colour, it's navy not black." she rolls her eyes, looking exaggeratively pissed at the small line in the reflection.

"I think it looks fine." I say, forgetting the fact she's probably not wanting to hear it.

"well you're not me. I'm particular." she rubs it off with her finger, shaking her head and taking a deep breath.

"if you don't mind me asking-" I start, getting interrupted by her walking over to me sharply.

"I just wanted to ask if you had the maths homework. To think I'd want you?" she laughs to herself and purses her lips.

She hesitates then speaks again.


"no. I'm not giving you my homework. Especially after you practically just called me ugly." I frown, watching her look up to the ceiling and grunt.

Then she smirks. And I look at the floor. Why does she smirk like that? I chew the inside of my cheek, not knowing what she'd say next.

"so you're offended that I wouldn't fuck you?" I almost choke on my own saliva, her voice suddenly completely different in a more husky, raspy way.

"i- that's not what I was-" I stutter, her intense stare giving me an ache in my abdomen.

Shit. I'm just like everyone else. I cannot let myself fall for it.

"no its not what I meant. I don't want you to fuck me. I have decency." I pat down my skirt, not sure where this smart mouth is getting words from.

"sure you don't." she takes two fingers and places them under my chin, lifting my head to look into her eyes.

And I melt.

I've been ignoring myself this entire time, trying to avoid this entire situation, knowing I'd lose myself in her eyes. Her body is already mesmerising but it's always eyes that hits hardest.

When I try to speak, my lips just open, literally dropping my jaw at her.

"how about... You give me the homework. And I simply... Walk away." she smiles tapping my chin.

"no. I will not just give away my work." I grimace, pulling her arm away.

"then let me pay you back." she whispers, moving her hand beside my head, where I've been edging myself to the wall.

"i-" I can't think when she's this close. What is it with this girl??!!

"ahhh but I have no money." she says, reading out every word slowly and almost teasingly.

Still I say nothing.

"how about..." her unoccupied hand, goes to caress my cheek, causing me to lose all control of my thoughts. "a little... Kiss."

A kiss isn't that bad.

"since you really don't want me." her face gets really close and I can smell the mint gum she's chewing, and a hint of cherry, which I assume is her lip gloss and of course, the one thing I couldn't find no matter what store I went to, her perfume.

Ok, so maybe I did obsess, a tiny bit.

I try my best to not look like a complete mess, breathing in her addictive smell.

"would you like that?" she asks, her voice making my eyes close instinctively.

She's destroying me in front of her eyes and she knows she's doing it.

I swallow and I nod slowly, forgetting all signs I told myself to ignore.

"good girl." that's me gone.

Her lips touch mine, testing the waters before pressing her body into mine, a knee pushing into my thigh. Her hand moves into my hair, deepening the kiss. My brain's gone numb to all rational thought, letting one of my hands creep up her back and the other on her hip. She groans, biting down on my lip and sending me further into oblivion.

"how has this not happened before?" Perrie sighs, pressing her forehead against mine as she gasps for air.

In my dreams it has.

I stay silent, feeling dazed by her addictive lips.

"more." I say, not even holding it in.

I take my hand from her hip to her tie, feeling her body move with my touch. I tug and she comes back to my lips.

God have I ever lived till now? The taste of her leaves me in heaven, yet I called kissing useless only hours ago.


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