the dancing brunette pt2

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"Open doors in ten, I have to deal with a small matter-" Perrie says, bursting through the entrance to 'la bella', heels clicking sharply on the ground.

"yes ma'am." the bartender nods, wiping down the bar surface.

The blonde inhales a deep breath, hair flowing behind her like waves on the ocean, free but contained.

She was really counting on Jade wanting her. Her dreams last night were filled with the brunette, from make out sessions to date nights. Perrie considered calling a therapist, she found herself needing the brunette more than she wanted to. It was as if her life was surrounded by Jade.

In her eyes, it was unhealthy, the attatchment she grew to her. As if the brunette was not already on her mind enough, now that she had met her and kissed her lips, the thought of them never remaking that moment killed Perrie. She craved the girls attention, making it impossible to focus on anything.

What made it worse, was that it was now her job to be present at the club - where Jade was, every night up on that same stage, mesmerising Perrie. If Jade wasn't into sober Perrie, what else would she do but cancel the cooperation with the club?

Perrie was so wound up that she forgot how to exist as a normal being. Her hair was untidy, her clothes were not as neatly pressed as they usually are, even her lipstick was a different shade. Perrie was a wreck to Jade's simple existance, never mind memory of them kissing under starlight.

"If you're looking for Jade, she's in the dressing room." Mr Daniels comes out from round the corner, instantly seeing the blonde searching for someone.

"Thank you." Perrie smiles relieved, not even questioning how he knew she was looking for the brunette.

She walks hurriedly through the maze of hallways and doorways, finally finding a wooden door with a gold star nameplate pintacked to the wood. 'Jade Thirlwall'.

Perrie smiles, fixing her tie before knocking, regardless of the door being slightly ajar. When she hears a small 'come in', she does as told, head high.

"Jade?" Her eyes scan the room, which is covered in piles of old outfits she recognised from previous nights.

"I'm in the bathroom one second."

Perrie gladly waits, holding herself up with a palm on the wall. The room is quite large for a dressing room, fitted with a practice pole in the centre. A dresser with those glowing bulbs and a mirror is wedged in the corner by the bathroom, covered in taped photos of Jade and assumably friends, small handwritten notes, and lipstick smudges. Clichè dressing room to say the least.

"sorry I'm not used to wearing a-" Jade's jaw drops when she realises it's Perrie who stands at the door.

She looks the blonde up and down before pinching herself to check she wasn't dreaming.

"Perrie." She gasps.

"Jade." Perrie says with confidence.

"I never thought you'd come back." Jade tilts her head, clutching onto the doorframe.

"I may be a famous business woman and incredibly busy, but... I cant get you off my mind." Perrie sighs, honestly.

"I was hoping you'd say that."

"I was hoping you'd have that reaction."

Perrie walks over to the brunette, admiring her outfit. It was similar to the previous night's but in a dark red, complimenting the chestnut curls the brunette bore.

"you look hot in that." Perrie bites her lip, gazing over the shorter girls body.

"I needed that." Jade sighs, turning to the mirror behind them. "it's a tad smaller than usual, Haliee said it would be fine but I wasn't so sure." She tugs on the fabric, looking uncomfy.

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