I can be the one

419 21 10

Jade lies in her small pod in the rather large tour bus, Perrie mimicking her position in the bunk above. For both to be in such peaceful positions after the day they're had is a miracle. This day was not only stressful and eventful, but also filled with a deadly drama.

This drama did not just mean the girls were on their toes but also meant they were all avoiding each other until they inevitably had to face the truth.

To cut it short, Jade broke up with Jed. Well... Jed broke up with jade?

As Jade sits soundly in her sleeping pod, Perrie recalls the moments clearly in her mind.

"Guys I cannot beelieve that you haven't noticed how Jed is sleeping around with haaalf the dancersss." jade slurs, alcohol burning in her system, conflicting with the spliff between her fingertips, which she draws a breath from. "like seriously, he's such a sluttt."

Everyone stands with mouths agape, not knowing how the small innocent jade is already drunk and high at 9 am. The person who seems more surprised is in fact Perrie, who saw the two being happy and cute only an hour ago.

"jade you should stop, I'm sure Jed didnt-" leigh tries to butt in but jade has none of it, stumbling over to her in the small of the dimly lit dressing room and placing a finger over her lips with great struggle.

"oh how he loveessss to tell me how much of a SLUTTT I am. 'baby let me fuck you like the slut you are.' WELL THE JOKES ON HIM BECAUSE HE'S THE SLUT NOWWW." the lightweight brunette slumps backwards onto the wall, holding onto the dressing table for dear life.

"Jade let me take care of you, this isn't like you." Perrie says softly, grabbing her arm before she falls to the ground.

"oh fuck off. You can't talk miss pretty." she says bitterly, shoving her off. "I WANT MY MONEY BACK." she then growls, throwing her spliff to the ground. Her body is so out of it that it doesn't even recognise the fact she is completely under the influence and she thinks she needs more.

"Jade I'm taking you back to the tour bus-"

"Whats happening I heard a commotion."

Ironically, the conversation walks into the room.

"Uh, don't worry about it jed, we've got it all under control." the blonde bursts out, shoving jade into her sleeping bunk.

Leigh Anne tries to help, blocking jeds view with her body, getting in his way.

"clearly somethings up. Want to spill it before I find out by going to see what Perries trying to hide from me?" he tries to push past leigh, but the core strength workouts before tour shows are really paying off.

"Its fine jed, she's just on her period-"

"shes really not, show me."


She shoves past the two girls, pushing straight into jed, who stumbles back into the doors of the bus.


he looks at her like she's filth, brushing her petit form off his clothes like she's a cockroach.

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