Lmltpygt Pt 2

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Heyy, I nearly forgot about this tbh but I absolutely had to do a part 2, especially with the comments in the last one. I know it's been a long time so if you have to go back... Go on *wink* but I also have to mention there might be a little bit of like soft age play, more like jade being extremely child like but she could go for a little if I mentioned it... Still if you don't like anything to do with Jade having a more child like personality, avoid arguing about it. Anyways enjoyyyyy lovies

Perrie's pov

After what happened yesterday, Jade stayed over for a while, not leaving till around 11. I tried to make her stay over but she refused to let me. So, I let her go, but I made sure she texted me when she got home.

It's strange because it's not often that I care for someone as much as I do with this small brunette. Usually, if not always, I don't pay mind to those around me, since well, people aren't my cup of tea. Actually, I detest people in general.

People always have to assume the worst of you, and even if it is partially my fault that I make myself look all tough, people don't even try to look at the real me. For once, I've found someone, even after I treated them like shit for a whole hour, who trusted me with their tears.

Now I feel like I've done something and I just can't stop thinking about her.

Currently, it's 5am. I haven't shut my eyes for longer than half a second, keeping my focus on the ceiling above. I never intended to stay up all night, but she's keeping me awake. I know, a girl keeping perrie Edwards awake?

But she's so delicate. I want to make sure she's ok all the time, even if it's only been around a day since I met her. Jade's so soft and petite. She would surely blow away with the wind if it were too strong.

I want to caress her perfectly tanned skin, tell her that the world could do no harm to her anymore. I want her to show me her scars and put all her trust in me. I'd have no one to tell anyways but I want her to feel safe with me. She's new, and I assume she has no one else. So from now on, I've made myself her protector.

Call it what you want.


When it gets to around 8, I make my way into the gates, feeling a little less 'doom and gloom' about the day ahead. I start with psychology, which is definitely now my favorite lesson.

I get to class early, my teacher frowning as I almost skip to my chair.

"What's got you all exited for some phych?" she questions, raising an eyebrow as I take out my pencil case and set everything out really neat.

"nothing, just had some psychological epiphanies this morning." I smile, sitting myself down.

"right. Well, you'll be glad to know this..." she continues, taking a sip of her tea. "jade's been moved to a different set. She's awfully smart."

My smile drops and I stand up, the chair falling and scraping against the floor, making a loud screech echo in the room.

"don't lie to me." I say, walking towards my teacher who looks slightly intimidated.

"well- perrie-I did what you wanted right?" she puts her mug down and puts her arms out to lean on the desk.

"but- that was yesterday. Tell her to come back." I almost shout. She'll have no one in that class!

"perrie I wish I could but-"

"fine." I storm out, throwing my stuff down on the floor, where all the pens scatter across the lino.

I run down the corridor, hitting doors and kicking walls on my way. This is why I hate people. People doesn't deserve nice things, like jade.

It's selfish to want her to be with me like this, especially since I'm no way as good as her at this subject. But she enthralls me. The way she was so careful about opening up but did it instantaneously. I know I wouldn't have even come to my house if it meant spending time with me. But now that she has, I can't let go of her.

"perrie are you ok ?" I freeze in my anger, turning towards the sweet voice.

My body untenses, the brunettes aura bringing me peace, even if I was still raging at the fact she was going to be away from me.

"uh- yeah I'm ok... Just um taking a second." I don't want her to think I'm obsessed or anything, I'm usually not the kind to be overprotective either.

"oh that's good, I was just... trying to find you." she says after taking a deep breath.

I frown, "you were trying to find me?"

"yeah, I wanted to say thank you for yesterday. You really helped me."

I smile, tender butterflies filling my chest.

"well that's no problem, I have a weird feeling that I want to do it more."

"and I'd love that very much." she says softly, coming closer to me.

After a moment of me intensely staring into her autumn eyes, she tugs on my arm to pull me a little closer. I let her do it, feeling warmth come from her essence. I want to hold her so bad I don't think she understands what she's doing.

"can i-"

"anything." I sigh, wanting her to feel safe in any way she can.

She hesitates but draws me in and loosely hangs her delicate arms around my waist, leaning her head into my chest. Her head barely reaches up to my ear but its cute, the way she whimpers slightly and holds me tighter. I wrap my arms over her body, kissing her forehead, which she seems to like since she cuddled in tighter.

"I don't know what it is, pez..." she murmurs, her voice muffled in my hoodie.

"what is?"

"you. I don't know what it is about you...youre so..." she pauses, as if trying to find a word, "home."

"I feel at home with you too jade. You're the only one here who's been able to make me feel exposed, like I have to actually care when I'm around you. And I do, not about me, but about you."

"really?" she looks up at me and I have to look away to avoid the tension that grows between our lips. I cannot kiss a girl I have just met.

"yes, you're so small I just wanna keep you safe." I grin, closing my eyes and pulling her back in. She's so comfortable.

"and I want to be protected by you perrie. Is that so bad?"

"how could it ever, when I'd do it anytime."

At this rate there's gonna be a part 3 YOLO

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