09 : ROLES

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Jisung walks to his class with Minho

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Jisung walks to his class with Minho. Well, Minho is walking Jisung to his class since Minho doesn't have that class. Jisung insited on Minho taking him, but Minho didn't care. Jisung would argue but he's realized the "new start" they had agreed on, so he can't really argue. 

"So, I was thinking the whole club can go get ice cream afterschool? I'll drive." Minho trails off, counting his fingers for some unknown reason.

Jisung nods and hums. "If that's what they want." Jisung mumbles. He's noticing how all eyes are on them when they walk. He feels uncomfortable, especially when they're glaring. 

"You don't really care do you?" Minho snaps Jisung out his world. 


"Alright, well, don't come complaining when everyone agrees on going and you stay behind." Minho whistles, hands crossed behind his head. 

"I can't really complain when I agreed to be friends with you, can I?" Jisung side-eyes, rolling his eyes when he looks away from Minho's face. Being friends with an obnoxious knob is a hard thing to do. 

"Why does your face look like you want to punch me?" Minho asks, looking closely into Jisung's features. 

"That's because it might be true." Jisung deadpans. "Gosh, thank god we're here already." Jisung mutters under his breath. "Okay. Bye." Jisung is about to walk away when Minho pulls his arm. 

"Hey, wait!" Minho calls out, hissing. 

"What?" Jisung turns around and his faced is now really close to Minho's. He jumps back, "what are you even—"

"I know it might be sudden but...can you pair Enjoo and me to be the main roles?" Minho says, embarrassed and nervous. Minho avoids looking into Jisung's eyes, and he's blushing madly. Wow, Jisung has never seen Minho like this before. It's certainly something. Does Ladykiller Minho have a soft spot for Kim Enjoo? 

Jisung pulls his arm away from Minho's hold and backs away. "I don't make the decisions so, I can't really do anything about it." Jisung says, harsher than he intended to. 

"Gee, no need to scream at me, Hannie." Minho takes a step back, suddenly feeling embarrassed. "Well, gotta go. See ya~" Minho walks away, not realizing what he made Jisung feel after that simle nickname he's heard before. Jisung isn't surprise by the nickname, his friends call him that, but it surprised him that Minho called him that. And not to mention the way he said his nickname, it made Jisung's heart flutter. 

"Asshole, I swear." Jisung mumbles to himself. Mostly because he couldn't believe he's letting himself fall for Minho. He really didn't want this to happen, he knows how many people already love him. Jisung will just be like one of those fanboys to Minho. Jisung sighs and trys to ignore the hurt in his chest, taking a seat in the back. 


In the club room everyone is ready to hear about the film. Minho's group gathers around in back, Hyunjin and Minho both on the side of Enjoo's presences. Enjoo claps her hands excitedly. 

Jisung stands alone in the front, sitting on top of the table. Seungmin and Felix stand together, ready to announce the roles (since they both were the ones who planed the whole plot). "Okay, we'll be saying everyone's roles now. There's still character we need to fill but Seungmin says he's got that covered." 

Seungmin whispers something in Felix's ear. Felix clears his throat and continues, "okay, guess not. We'll still be needing another person to fill in a role, but other than that, we settled on the roles!" 

Seungmin holds up a paper and starts to read aloud. "This film is called "Regret." The plot: Minsun is a girl in love with her best friend, but then she meets the bad boy of the school and she's instantly in love with his kindness, but what she doesn't know is, that the "suppose" bad boy has been the boy she's know since she was in middle school, but the "bad boy" had been a boy who'd confessed his love to her in that time of year, but she refused it and told him she'd only liked masculine boys and not scrawny boys. So, he became the "bad boy." There's more to it but I'd rather just hand out the papers so you can read it." Seungmin explains. 

"The roles we have are: Lee Minho playing the bad boy, or also known as Baekhyun. Kim Enjoo playing Minsun. And—" Just then someone slides the door open. Seungmin looks up, his face widening in pure happiness. "AH! I knew it! You were going to come after all!" Seungmin exclaims, excited and thrilled to see the younger. He walks over to Jeongin. 

Jeongin stands there, embarrassingly. "You're wrong. I thought this was the art room." Jeongin lies. 

"You're lying~" Seungmin sing-songs. "Now, c'mon, we're just getting started! You're lucky you came in time." Seungmin drags Jeongin further in. "This is Yang Jeongin and he will be playing the last character Seoyun." Seungmin concludes. 

"I am?" Jeongin says, calm but surprised. 

"He is?" Hyunjin cuts off. 

"Yes, he is." Seungmin deadpans, frustrated. "The rest are gonna be the crew workers. Jisung, the gaffer and Hyunjin the cameraman, Felix, director and me as the producer. Got it?"

"Wait, but I can't I—"

"No buts, Hyunjin, the crew is settled. Now, you do it or don't." Felix cuts in, knowing Seungmin won't be able to handle it as he does. 

Hyunjin frowns but nods. "Okay." 

"Good! Now that that's settled, here's your lines and information you'll need." Felix hands out their own guide of paper and stands next to Jisung. 

"Great! Now, you wants to go get ice cream?" 

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