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It's been six months since I have been in Italy with Rony getting to know her as a person. I won't deny she has been best dessert I ever had had even told her the first day I with had sex in back of the suv BMW rental on the way to Italy after I got into an heated argument with my them husband, judge Simon Baker. He assaulted Frankie when Jane went to give him the storage locker. I am glad she took Frankie. Antonio and Kevin with her to the courthouse.  Joan contacted me and apologized for my ex husband's behavior. I finally came out to everyone after my divorce that I switched teams teams is seeing Rony Cabrera one of my employees at the Everlasting winery. I was  informed by Joan she was happy for me even though she had a feeling I was bisexual but didn't know it. We laughed about it. She and Bailey even flew out here in the six months to spend time with Rony and I after she rented my mansion in Virginia. She wanted to see how I was doing being a bisexual.  She informed us that Simon took the divorce hard as in taking time off to evaluate himself which I am happy  He is now seeing Kimberly as his therapist.

Katelyn are you ready to go back to California to see Tabitha graduate and see everyone since you come out to everyone as well as I? Yes.  Rony you sure you ready to move to California in my home even though I am not ready or not sure I ever will be ready to be married for a third time? Yes.  I finished training John Leper he is ready to fly solo.  My job in business management at American River College as a professor is perfect.  Molly is happy with me . Okay I just don't want you to think I don't love you.

Rony I will make sure everything runs smooth. I hope so.  Penelope left big shoes to fill and it wasn't always easy. Katelyn thank you for allowing me to stay here instead of the estate. This is much more my size coming from sleeping in my truck to moving in with Halle all those years.  Thank you for renovating my bedroom to look like the one at Halle's brownstone.  Rony I will take care of your old car.  I am glad you like it.   Enjoy my truck. Christina said she left it there for you as well.as your new vehicle that is in the garage.  Thank you.  It's all registered with your vanity plate.

We hugged one another and Katelyn and I left to the airport via first class.

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