19: Love triangle <3

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"Tae why are you being so stubborn and trying to stay as close to Jungkook as possible even after how he spoke to you, huh?" questioned Jimin sitting next to Tae who had spaced out. waving in front of his eyes brings him back to reality. 

"Huh," said Tae looking at Jimin who was staring at him.

"Do you like Jungkook or something? You seem so blinded by love that you don't realise how badly he's treating you," uttered Jimin curiously.

"It's because I am. I've been blinded by my love for Jk. I love him, Jimin,"

Jimin just looked at him in disbelief. Upset.

"What's with that reaction? Why do you also like him?" asked Tae noticing Jimin's reaction as he just looked down. 

Jimin had started crying but not wanting to show Taehyung that he had started crying after what he said he looked down wiping his tears. Seeing that Jimin was wiping his tears  Taehyung lifted his chin to see if he was crying and HE WAS!! 

"W-wae, why are y-you crying Jimin what's wrong?" asked Taehyung with worry.

"I LOVE YOU TAE! I LOVE YOU!" screamed Jimin calming himself down he continued...

"Seems like you don't love me back though. I understand wish you live a happy rest of your life with Jungkook and that he sees how much you love him and loves you back as much, Tae bye goodnight," cried Jimin leaving Tae there speechless not knowing what to say.


Jk had been woken by two voices outside his door. Not meaning to eavesdrop but he did end up eavesdropping while hearing the members' convo. Recognising their voices when he heard Jimin scream:


Jk felt his heart and body stop functioning and beating.

He loves Tae. Not me. Why?? I knew it. 

The maknae line all cried all night. Tae outside Jk's door. Jk huddled on his bed and so was Jimin on his bed crying their hearts barely getting any sleep.

For some of you guys who didn't get it but so Tae likes Jk but Jk likes Jimin but Jimin loves Tae:

Tae ->Jk ->Jimin ->Tae

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