How they comfort you

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Senario is you got a panic attack because someone triggered it-

Clover Cookie

He'd try and comfort you with hugs but if you're not comfortable he'll hold your hand and hum some lullabies until you calm down or just pass out from your panic attack. Don't worry about sleeping though he'll carry you to his or your house whichever is closer.

Avocado Cookie

She'll try to talk to you but if you can't talk or don't want to be touched then she'll wait for you to calm down enough. Even if it takes hours.

Adventurer Cookie

He doesn't know what to do help. He'll run to Blackberry to ask her for help. Then he'll come back with a blanket and snacks to help you.

Vampire Cookie

He doesn't know what to do. He's tried to cheer you up with some jokes about depression but that kind of makes it worse so he just hugs you.

Raspberry Cookie

She would just be concerned. She doesn't know what to do but just gives you hugs and/or kisses to comfort you.

Espresso Cookie

Doesn't care at first but when you don't stop he'll get worried cause you only cry for a bit before stopping. He'll just wait until you stop crying to ask you what happened.

Latte Cookie

Being a teacher she's experienced students having panic attacks so when she sees you having one she'll know what to do. She'd tell you to breathe through your nose and out from your mouth. Then she'll give you water.

Purple Yam Cookie

Man don't know shit so you have to wait it out without telling him fearing he might get mad.

Cherry Blossom Cookie

She'll take you out on a picnic to a secluded area.

Caramel Arrow Cookie

Since she's not really showing emotions most of the time she doesn't know what to do whenever you cry. She just sits next to you. Making sure you don't try anything bad to yourself.

Pure Vanilla

He knows what to do. Thats it. He may be a healer and a king but he knows how it feels to be alone and panicked

Hollyberry Cookie

Doesn't know what she should do. So she just. Hug. Pat pat. And done you'd A) Feel a bit uncomfortable B) Feel a bit better or C) All of the above in same order.

☆I'm done and I'm at a theme park and I've got a headache from a ride because I hit my head. But I still did it for you guys!☆

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