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Waverly retrieved her tee shirt from the floor, climbing the ladder to her bunk. Neither spoke, neither able to deal with the situation, neither brave enough to say what they were feeling, or were no longer feeling. Fighting to stop the tears, Waverly didn't know why she was so upset. One moment she had been blissfully happy, ecstatic even, her body completely free to enjoy what Haught was doing to her. The next she was sadder than she had ever been, the ability to ride out the waves of pleasure destroyed by overthinking, or over feeling, she wasn't sure which.

She could hear Haught moving, turning over in the bed. If her mind, or her heart had not messed things up she would still be there kissing Haught, being touched. Except, without a real connection, without it being personal, it felt like a sleazy fondle in the back of a car, in this case the bunk of a train. Maybe it was Haught, maybe it was her lack of experience which had made her feel this way. Maybe she was tired, maybe she was looking for something a stranger, a time traveller could never give her. She caught herself thinking that thought, confused where it was going. She hardly knew this Haught. She'd waltzed into her life a few hours before, convinced her to head north to save humanity, and would be gone forever, back to her own time in no time at all, bonded to whoever in her cosy little gang of girls. Why was she even thinking like this? Why? Haught was nothing to her. No one. So, why did her heart hurt?

The tattoo woman was speaking. "Weaver 81217820 proceed as planned. Monitor levels on your suit for pollutants. Do not engage more than required. Mission can continue."

Waverly could hear her voice, unable to understand. "Wait, your lens. Someone may have been watching us. Haught, can they see us?"


"The woman in your arm. I meant your lens. Can they see us?"

"No, why?"

"You just...never mind."

"Oh, oh. I'll have a record of it. That's my merits gone."

"Good to know that's important to you."

"You don't understand, if I lose my merits I don't get to visit the nature zone."

Waverly felt another tear roll down her face, unable to bring herself to answer. It shouldn't matter, it really shouldn't matter. To Haught she was no more than a thread, a stupid thread in some future game someone was playing with her life. Strike three Haught. Strike three.

"Are you awake?" Haught asked. "I won't touch you again."

"That would be best."

Haught's head appeared. "Waverly, what's wrong? Have I made you feel this way?"

Waverly turned away, sympathy the last thing she wanted, her value to Haught little more than a few merits to visit some stupid fun zone. "I'm tired." Haught's hand touched her back. "Don't touch me."

"I...please tell me what's wrong. Is it the yellows? They can bite sometimes, make you go low."

"No shit. Go to bed, it's late."

"Not till you tell me."

Waverly rolled over. "You have a photo in your bag, with a word I can understand." The startled look on Haught's face told her all she needed to know. "Thought so. I'm just a stupid number to you. Or, some stupid piece of string."

"That's...that's mine. You shouldn't..."

Waverly turned away. "I hate that photo. Wish I never had it taken."

"It's brought me comfort."

"If you've got off on it. I swear Haught-"

"What? What does that mean?"

Seventh 2 Survive (WAYHAUGHT)Where stories live. Discover now