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A knock on the bedroom door alerted them to the presence of someone outside. "Wait," Haught yelled. "I need a moment."

"Your parlez with the Admiral is ready," the woman replied. "Did you want to take it in your room?"

"Yes, thanks. I'll do that."

Waverly remained in the bed. "Do I get to see the Admiral?"

Haught was frantically pulling on her jumpsuit. "Oh, oh. Stay there, I'll go to another room."

"Thanks. Guess that tells me all I need to know."

"What? I don't want the Admiral seeing you like this."

"You know, after that bitch in the kitchen, the Admiral is my second least favourite person."

Haught tilted her head. "You haven't met her. Are you saying you want to meet her?"

Waverly rolled her eyes. "No, I'll just lie here naked, while you go have a private convo with your wife."

"She's not my wife. So you don't want to meet her?"

"Of course I want to meet her."

"Right. Only you just said...would you be able to put some clothes on?"

"Why?" Waverly teased. "I thought I'd introduce myself au natural."

"Maybe a top."

"Fine, I'll put a top on."

Haught watched as Waverly climbed out of bed, her eyes taking in all her feminine form, a desire growing to be back in bed naked with this fascinating creature, to experience once more the physical pleasures of the twenty first century. It never occurred to her touching another's skin, her own skin being touched, could ever be better than yellows and neurals.

The first time she tried yellows she had had a similar ride to Waverly, the chemicals taking over her mind then her body, strange sensations pulsing through her, building, and building before crashing, then building again. She had been told to let whatever the yellows were doing to her happen, to go with the ride. Scary at first, especially being but a teenager, the drugs started as soon as menstruation began to allow their effects to be monitored and adjusted as necessary. She was taught how to control yellows, play with them, hold the chemical reins rather than let the beast run wild and untamed as Waverly had.

The first time she tried yellows with neurals it was a whole new ballgame, the combination allowing her mind to direct where and how the drugs played with her body. A more personal experience in the sense she could now manipulate it, riding the pleasure wave wherever she chose to go. On mastering both she was ready to link neurals with the other consorts bonded to the Admiral, each able to steer the other's body to erotic heights. Some liked to tease, building the pleasure slowly, holding back at the moment of release, some preferred to send their playmate over the edge as fast as they could, some simply rode their own wave allowing a playmate to sit back and enjoy another's journey. It all worked, provided variety, entertained the Admiral, who could if she chose join a pairing, although Haught being the youngest had yet to experience a link with her.

She heard from the other consorts the Admiral liked to play, to take her time, experienced in getting the most from each of her consorts, learning what they liked, what they didn't, what sent them tumbling over the edge. Keeping Haught till last was her way of adding a little spice to the mix, having seen how she performed with the others, she knew she would have an interesting ride with her, looking forward to Haught completing her last mission so they could commence communion.

Waverly sat in the chair by the window waiting for Haught to begin the parlez, curious to see what this Admiral looked like. Not that she was in any way jealous, except she was, deeply, knowing the Admiral had her and she didn't, that their time together would be short-lived, convincing herself to make the most of whatever time she had left to enjoy the fruits of the future. She already knew she would be heartbroken on Haught's departure, that they would never meet again, but she was prepared to go through all the pain, all the mourning to be with the person sent to prolong her life.

Seventh 2 Survive (WAYHAUGHT)Where stories live. Discover now