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"Xavier has gone to find food," the monk informed. "He is angry this happened."

"How did they know?" Nicole replied.

"We must have been spotted leaving the settlement. I should have been more careful."

Ace sat alone on the floor, playing with a miniature of Swan's freighter. The child edged away as Nicole approached, clutching the toy to her chest, eyes telling her to back off.

"She can't speak," the monk offered. "Marked."

"Waverly should never have come here. It's not safe."

The monk came to sit by Ace. "I agree. We should have remained in the bunker until her death has passed."

Nicole began calculating if they were beyond that point. They had to be. "Waverly thinks I met her before this mission. On one of my previous missions."

Ace was showing the monk how the freighter flew.

"She wants to ask the scientist if I...if the records show I..." Nicole paused. "She's convinced it was me. I'm not sure. It could have been any of the others."

"You did meet her," the monk replied, accepting the toy from Ace. "Each previous mission included contact with Waverly."

Nicole could have hugged the monk.

"You would arrive and tell me of her." A smile appeared. "We would sit for hours talking. Just the two of us. You were there the day she fell through the water. She was showing you the lake, the water had become still enough to walk on you said. She wanted you to see how she could slide across the surface."

"It was me. I saved her." A thought crossed her mind. "Why was I there?"

"The scientist recognised her potential. It needed channelling to reach this moment."

"You were allowed to keep your memories," Nicole replied, envious of the fact.

"What are monks?"

Nicole looked over. "The eyes and ears of the chosen."

"The eyes and ears of more than the chosen. The scientist selected you, because I told her you were the most devoted to Waverly. She almost selected another, but I knew you were the one."

"Why was this kept from me?"

"To protect you," the monk replied. "And Waverly. We could not risk the Admiral finding out. Too much depends on this moment for her to steal it from us."


Swan's freighter juddered as they left Earth's atmosphere. Waverly gripped the edge of her seat. "Should it make that noise?" she said, a high-pitched whine coming from the back.

"Jolene will get us there," Swan replied.

Waverly peered out at the darkness, squinting in the hope of recognising features on the surface. "So, Mexico. Is it nice this time of year?"

Swan nodded. "Very hot. Like here."

She wished Haught was with her. She wished she had listened when Haught said travelling to the future might not be a good idea. Damn curiosity. Poor bee. This whole experience might have been worth it if the little bee had survived.

Swan was looking at her. "Engine is not good. We need to fix to get others. Yes."

"Where are we going?"

"We go above," he replied. "Need new part. Good price. Very safe. You see."

The engine screamed in defiance as Swan flew higher.

Seventh 2 Survive (WAYHAUGHT)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon