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Haught hauled herself up from the mattress, letting her legs dangle over the edge, taking a moment to gather her senses. "Waverly, this is why I've not told you everything." Closing her eyes she let her head hang. "I put myself forward to be with you in this moment. I knew the risks. I knew I might get sick. I still came for you."

"You're a Myling."

Haught's eyes opened. "I am."

"I don't even know what that means."

"It means...it means I have a life that's different to others."

"Not again. The closer I get the further you push me away. Everything about you is a mystery, or a riddle, or a word I've never heard. Just tell me what this means to you."

"Waverly, you won't understand even if I could and it will upset you knowing."

"Just fucking tell me. I'm going to be zapped, or blanked anyway, so anything I know will vanish."

"It's not that simple. The residue of emotions will be there afterwards. You'll feel the memory, but won't be able to access where it came from."

Waverly had already sensed this. Time was no longer important when it came to feelings. "Have you ever met someone and just known. Please, just tell me."

Haught's hand reached out, placing it on Waverly's. "Alright, you deserve to know and I did promise you. My world, the future is run by a few who rule over the many. It means we live free of war and violence, there's no disease, or greed, no religious division or political in-fighting. We're also free of family bonds. And, I serve one of the privileged few."

"But, the world is dying. You showed me. You said that's why you're here, to stop whatever is happening by changing my life."

"It is. The earth can only barely provide enough food to feed everyone. We have done so much damage and with crops failing there is even less to go round."

"But, how has religion done that? You said it's because of religion. You said billions will die because of religion."

"Did I? When did I say that?"

Waverly pulled her hand away. "On the train. Don't you dare gaslight me Haught. You definitely said religion kills everyone."

Haught's forehead creased, attempting to recall the conversation. "Oh, when I had beer and you, on top of me. No, religion doesn't kill billions. What I mean..."

"I swear I'm going to kill you. You lied to me."

"No, no, Waverly let me finish. Billions will die, that's for certain. We really have a serious problem going on right now. The elites, those on R-17 and the other elite rings believe the only way forward is by allowing a large number of the population to die to reduce the burden on food supply."

"What? So, where do I fit in?"

Haught shifted on the bed, shivering a little as cool air brushed against naked skin. "For the good of the many. The great sacrifice for the good of the many. That's what Religime means. The new collective tasked with restoring balance, hopefully."

Waverly's eyes were now fixed on Haught, anger written in them. "It's all wrong. It's wrong...why?"

"Waverly, it's okay. The whole planet is out of balance. This is how it must be."

"How did it go so wrong? How did we go so wrong? It's all messed up."

"It is. But, what we do here will help in addressing the imbalance and hopefully save us."

Seventh 2 Survive (WAYHAUGHT)Where stories live. Discover now