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Waverly was already on the phone to Chrissy. "What happened?"

"Police found him at home. Poor bloke."

"How did he die?"

"Don't know," Chrissy replied. "Only just heard about it. Thought you'd like to know."

"If you hear anything."

She grabbed Nicole's hand, dragging her outside, a surprised look on both their faces. "I don't understand," Waverly said, "he can't be dead. Not this time."

"Someone wants to sabotage the mission," Nicole replied. "Someone doesn't want it to succeed."

"There's only one person." She turned to face Nicole.

Nicole shook her head. "It's forbidden to kill. Draws too much attention to the mission."

"Precisely. She never wanted this to succeed. She's the one who needs this to fail."

"She approved my selection for this mission. If she wanted it to fail, she would not have agreed to send me."

"We need to warn the scientist," Waverly continued. "What if? No, that's beyond sick."

"What?" Nicole pressed. "What are you thinking?"

"What if this mission was never about saving me? What if that bitch was simply using it to cover her tracks?"


Waverly's brain frantically tried to piece together all she knew, and had been told, after being blanked. The scientist's underground facilities were of little threat, yet the Admiral saw to it they were destroyed. The forced exodus of the bean dome workers was unnecessary, and unexplained. She'd thought often about those workers who managed to reach Xavier's hideout. Workers who would be needed again, if the Admiral intended to restart bean production.

It never made sense to her. Unless, unless, the Admiral needed to place the blame on another. To point the finger away from herself, while three fingers pointed back at the accuser. Except, except, the Admiral hadn't yet made any accusations, or ordered the mission to be aborted.

And, right on cue Nicole's tattoo itched.

"How is the mission progressing?" the Admiral said. "The thread is with you."

Nicole nodded.

"Show the thread to me."

Nicole moved so Waverly could be seen. "Hi, thanks for saving me."

"You are important to the future of our world. My consort will provide you with the necessary information."

"Yay. Looking forward to it. Great meeting you."

Nicole's head had tilted. "I will provide an update on the mission," she added. "Good fortune, and plenty beans."

"Yep, she's guilty as hell," Waverly said, once the screen disappeared.

"She's the Admiral. There is no way she's involved."

"Really." Waverly's arms had found her hips. "Who came up with the great sacrifice? Who decided that was the way to go?"

"It doesn't mean she killed Wheeler. It's forbidden."

"Looks like someone forgot that part of the deal."

"Waverly, the Admiral is our chosen leader. She...she wouldn't."

"Even with all the shit going on. Even with humanity's future hanging by a thread, it's still all about fucking politics. And privilege."

Seventh 2 Survive (WAYHAUGHT)Where stories live. Discover now