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The President's expression told her he cared more about the inside of his stomach than another's.

"I'm from the future," she blurted, wincing at her 'Back to the Future' delivery. "I am here to warn if we don't change our ways, humanity will die."

"I'm dying of hunger right now."

She slammed her hands on the Resolute Desk. "I'm being serious. Humanity will become extinct because of what we're doing...not doing."

He looked at her. "So, what do you want me to do about it?"

"There needs to be a major rethink on the climate for starters."

"Sure honey. Anything else?"

"Well, we need to look after the bees."


"Yes, bees. Without them we'll end up eating mostly beans."


"Yes, beans. That's all we will have to live on in the future."

"No bees, only beans."

"Correct," she replied.

"And, you want no beans. You only want bees."

"Yes. No, I want...bees to help grow things."

He nodded. "Save the bees. I can do that."

"Can you?"


"Thank you. Thank you Mr President."

The door to the Oval Office burst open. Men pointing guns at her suggested she might have outstayed her welcome. "Step away from the President."

She did as she was told.

She found herself being marched out, a gun shoved in her back. Sat for a second time in an interview room, this time handcuffed, she watched two suited personnel enter.

The older of the two opened a folder, all three waiting for someone to say something. Waverly was about to tell them to get on with it, when the man spoke.



He glared at her. "Full name."

"The Face of Religime."

"You think this is funny. How about a boat ride to Gitmo?"

Waverly glanced at the camera in the top left corner of the room. "Is this interview being recorded?"

The man placed both hands on the table. "Of course this is being recorded. Live. CIA, FBI, Homeland Security. Every agency who needs to see your face is watching this."

"Thank you. That's all I need to know."

The man looked directly into Waverly's eyes. "You broke into the Oval Office. You assaulted the President. Are you working for Soros?"

Waverly smiled. "Could you get me a glass of water?"

The surprise on the man's face was worth recording. He stormed out, leaving Waverly to face off with the other person in the room.

"Guessing you don't have keys for these things?" Waverly said, jangling her restraints.

The woman present leaned back against her chair. "Nope."

"Are you sure they are recording this?"

The woman nodded.

Waverly stared directly into the camera. "My name is not important. You'll figure it out eventually. I have a message for you. In the year 2195 we face the gravest test humanity will ever have to face. Our actions today, our lack of love for Mother Earth, will mean only one seventh of Earth's population will survive, and that's not even guaranteed. If you think this is a hoax. If you think this is some elaborate media spin to get hype for another apocalyptic movie."

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