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When it came to Haught, Waverly already knew to expect the unexpected. She wasn't even shocked there being more than one of her. Now she was trying not to imagine what seven in one room might be like. Guess the Admiral has a preference. Kinky, although I like her choice. Another thought struck her. She giggled.

"It's not funny," Nicole said, clearly the more upset of the two.



"Seven of you. Could be interesting."

Nicole continued to stare, until the lightbulb went on in her mind. "No! How could you think that?"

"Sorry. Forget I said it."

"I can't now."

"You think any of the others visited me?"

Nicole didn't want to think that. She had no recollection of previous missions, no knowledge of other consorts undertaking missions. Their lives were separate, their roles different, often apart for days, if not weeks, like now. Only the Admiral would know, and the scientist, neither having mentioned this fact.

She also didn't want to think about sharing Waverly with anyone. Only she got to love Waverly, no one else. What troubled her more was the real possibility she might not be the one in Waverly's heart. That who Waverly claimed to love might be another who happened to look like her.

"We won't know for sure," Nicole replied.

"Well, I'm sure it was you."

"We can't be certain."

"We can," Waverly insisted. "There's a connection between us. You feel it too. Oh, oh, the spirals. I'm willing to bet that's not chemicals."

"But, what if another..."

Waverly took Nicole's hand. "It was you. It will always be you. Always."

And it would be.

Yes, she wanted to know who might have visited her before Haught arrived. Yes, she was curious if her imaginary friend, when she was young, wasn't so imaginary after all. Yes, she needed to understand if her physical attraction to Haught began far sooner, at summer camp. What didn't matter was if another might have visited. All that mattered was this Haught, this Nicole Haught, to whom she felt a tug on her heart every time she left the room, and it doing summersaults every time she entered.

"Hey," Waverly said. "Hey, it doesn't change anything."

Nicole pulled her hand away. "What if it does? What if it does?"

"Are you scared I won't love you anymore, is that it?" Nicole didn't want to reply. She didn't have to. The look in her eyes was enough. "Oh baby. Oh sweetie, that's never going to happen. You hear. I love you. I. Love. You. Get it into that stupid heart of yours, just you."

"What if you don't?" The words burned as they left her lips.

As Waverly heard them, they too seared their mark. She pulled Nicole closer. "Let me show you." She felt the resistance again. "Nicole, please. Let me love you." She felt the heave of Nicole's body as she rested against her shoulder. "Oh God, I'm here for you. Only for you. There could never be anyone else, not even if they look like you."


Waverly released Nicole, wiping her cheek. "Oh Haught, because you're you. Your own person." She paused, in an effort to collect enough words to be able to make Nicole understand. "You said to me I couldn't understand your world. This world. This now. That it's different. Remember?"

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