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The Inner Circle were gathered in the great chamber, the Admiral in mid-sentence when a guard entered. She stopped speaking, waiting for the guard to shuffle forward, whispering in her ear five monks had been captured, two were still missing, plus the thread and her consort. The guard retreated, the Admiral taking a moment to regain her composure. "Where were we? Yes, the sacrifice."

One of those gathered pressed their pad. All faces turned in their direction. "The mission to extend the life of the thread, has it been successful?"

The Admiral forced the corners of her mouth up. "Yes. The thread's extended lifespan provides the necessary narrative for what we will have to endure."

"How can we be sure of this success?"

The corners of the Admiral's mouth held their position. "Because...because...rest assured, our ability to save the face of Religime will be heralded as our greatest achievement."

Back in her private chambers she scanned the report on her wayward consort. Now was not the time to announce she'd given the command to abort the mission. That was her decision, hers alone, and not up for discussion. Now was not the time to have any of her decisions questioned, or doubted, or challenged. Now was also not the time for any excuse not to go through with the great sacrifice.

She knew there were whispers, well aware of those who lacked the stomach for this proposed deed. That some were already edging away from the decision, silently doubting the direction they were being forced to take. She knew that. She knew there would be those who needed some small, insignificant detail, to be able to justify the whole exercise was doomed to failure.

She knew this would happen, trust waning as the deed crept ever nearer. Those who were brave at the beginning, only to find their courage and conviction slipping away, unable to stand behind the deed. And what a deed. A devious deed, based on a lie, spoon fed to those who looked to their chosen leaders, who looked to her, who trusted her to do that which needed to be done, for the good of many. When all the time her real motivation had been for an entirely different reason. And, if that meant lying to those who looked to her for the way forward, then so be it.


Waverly's eyes followed Nicole as she rose abruptly from the table, striding towards the door. She waited a few moments before pursuing. "Haught," she called out. Nicole carried on walking in the direction of the food vaults. Breaking into a jog Waverly caught up, her hand almost touching Nicole's arm as she reached out. "Wait. What's up?"

"This," Nicole replied, without stopping, without looking back.

"Why?" Waverly halted, waiting for Nicole to do the same.

Nicole slowed, her back remaining to Waverly. "This is hopeless, don't you see."

"We have to try." She watched Nicole move further from her. "Look at me," she yelled. "Tell me why we shouldn't try."

"For what?" Nicole came to a halt, shuffling her feet as though deliberating which way to go. She turned to face Waverly. "The Admiral will never call off the sacrifice. She won't stop. Not now."

"Then, we make her stop. We make her understand."

Nicole looked towards the ceiling, before returning her gaze to the one she wanted to keep safe. "It doesn't work that way."

"So, we give up."

"She won't change her mind. Trust me. No matter what this..." Nicole's eyes scanned the space they were in. "Whatever this offers."

"So, why am I here? Answer me that. If none of this matters."

Nicole closed the space between them. "You saw what came out of that cube. We all saw."

Seventh 2 Survive (WAYHAUGHT)Where stories live. Discover now