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Waverly rested her right hand over Haught's heart. "I still don't understand how I can see you."

"Because I'm here," Haught replied, tilting her head slightly.

"No silly, see, see. With the yellows. How is it possible?"

"No idea."

"You're not curious?"

Haught placed one hand over Waverly's. "Why should I be? Used them long enough to know what they do."

"And, you've seen spirals in others." Haught shrugged. "Yes, or no."

Haught glanced away momentarily. "Perhaps. It's only chemicals."

"I know that. But, what are the spirals?"

"Electromagnetic pulses. Or, waves. Take your pick."

The corners of Waverly's mouth curled upwards. "Right, pulses. Got it."

"It's a by-product."

"By-product. Got it."

Haught moved her hand to Waverly's chin, so as to be able to look into her eyes. "I can't tell."

"Tell what?"

"If you're saying what you mean."

"Oh, I believe you. So these electromagnetic pulses, or waves, you've not seen them with the Admiral."


"Because you don't love her."

"I've not communed with her, that's why."

Waverly's eyes flashed. "She might love you."

"Doubt it," Haught replied, dropping her hand, shifting back slightly on her heels. "Why all the questions?"

"So, why can I see them coming from you?"

"Because. They just happen. Yellows make you feel things and see things. They play tricks."

"Right, tricks. Got it."

"Oh, oh I see what you're doing now. I'm not in love with you, if that's what you think."

"Nope, not in love. Definitely not in love. Got it."

"Waverly, I worship you. I've told you."

"Right, worship. Got it."

"It would be wrong."


Haught inhaled deeply through her nose. "Wrong. Just wrong."

"Yet, here we are naked in bed."

Haught flung her legs over the side. "This isn't. What this is, it's not what you think it is."

Waverly watched as Haught pulled on her jumpsuit. "You know what I think Haught?"


"I think you're a terrible liar."

Haught went to reply, knowing whatever she said would be additional proof of her deception. Waverly had nailed her, worked her out, seen her, seen through her and no amount of protesting, or wriggling away from the truth would change that. It was true, all of it, her little experiment with the yellows, their physical intimacy, what each could see spiralling from the other, all of it and Waverly got it. Haught also knew she was treading a very dangerous path.

She was trusted to take on the mission without becoming compromised. Except she was deeply compromised, so deeply compromised the thought of leaving Waverly and returning to her own time was beyond torture. It was equally true she would stay forever if she could, but her position, her rank, her bond to the Admiral prevented her from doing so. The scandal of one of the Admiral's consorts absconding would diminish her standing, undermine the Admiral's authority, and weaken her power. And, that was the last thing her world needed right now. Even if it meant giving up Waverly.

Seventh 2 Survive (WAYHAUGHT)Where stories live. Discover now