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Waverly returned to the bedroom, Haught's water container in her hand, guessing she would be equally dehydrated after what they'd done. This was what she wanted, a sense of normality, of everyday life carrying on. She rested her hand on the door ready to enter, allowing herself a few moments to live out a dream of playing happy families, here with Haught. Perhaps they could get a house together, find jobs, look after Alice. Her life, the life she thought she'd wanted going to Oxford seemed less important now. Haught was all that mattered. Being with her, teaching her how to be a part of their family.

She spotted the sadness in her lover's eyes as she entered. "What's wrong? What's happened?"

Haught held out her wrist, the skin around the tattoo red raw. "As a consort I can't be tracked without the Admiral's say so. My communicator is cloaked."

"So what's the problem?"

"I'm no longer a consort."

"She dumped you! That fucking bitch. Although." A wistful expression crossed Waverly's face.

"I don't understand."

"You're no longer bonded to that bitch," Waverly added, "who frankly doesn't deserve you. Is that it?"

Haught nodded. "I violated Code 7. They will send trackers after me given who I am." She paused to take in her own words. "Who I once was. I offended the Admiral. She won't stop until I'm captured."

"That's it then, we make our stand here. Wyn and Doc will help. We have family to protect us."

"Will you help me remove the communicator from my wrist?"

"If we must. If it's the only way. But, you're already hurt. I knew it wasn't a glitch."

"Pain goes. Physical pain can be endured. Failing you would be a pain worse than death."

"Says the person who thought she was dying from a cold."

"That was different," Haught replied, winking. "I wanted you to care for me."

Waverly let out a gasp. "You are beyond naughty. We need to talk this through with Wyn. She'll know what to do."

Haught joined the sisters at the kitchen table, her arm outstretched allowing Wynonna to study the tattoo. "Your skin is badly burned. We need to put something on that. Doesn't it hurt?"

"A little. If I take enough yellows I shouldn't feel too much when you remove it."

"So not comfortable doing that. I understand why you need me to, but there's got to be another way."

"If there was I would take it."

"Like Wyn said, are you sure there's no other way?"

Haught sighed. "I violated a direct order, so I'll be hunted until they find me. And, they will find me. The only other option would be to jump alone, away from here then blank myself, so I can't lead anyone to you."

"Blank?" Wynonna repeated, looking at Waverly. "What does that even mean?"

"It means her memory is wiped. But you'll not remember me, or be here. So, that's a no."

Nicole took a moment to take in Waverly's face, a longing for this all to be over. "Waverly, the next forty eight hours are critical. After that you should be okay. You'll be past your dea..." She glanced at Wynonna. "You'll be past the thread break I was sent to adjust. They will not interfere after that point. It would be too catastrophic given who you are."

"Okay, okay. So, let me get this clear in my head," Wynonna continued. "If you disappear and blank your memories, that would give Waverly the best fighting chance."

Seventh 2 Survive (WAYHAUGHT)Where stories live. Discover now