Strong will

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I know I'm late as I've promised this update yesterday but I was so busy and I had a headache that was killing me since morning so please bear with the 1-Day delay

⚠️ Child Abuse ⚠️

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San's POV:

I grew up in a normal middle-class family with the typical struggle for survival. Even though we didn't have much on our hands, my parents gave me and my older sister everything they had, even if it meant not eating for days. We were their treasures. Since I am able to think, I had decided to give all the love and care back to my parents one day. I was good in everything. Well, I had spend days to remember things to not mess up any contests or tests that were thrown my way.

Since my father had a small dojo, I was able to learn firsthand in order to take part in competitions, which helped our family a lot because we could use the prize money very well in every way.

That was the only way they could pay for my education. They sent me to a small but well educating school where I quickly gained a lot of knowledge.

Due to my thirst for knowledge and fear of failure, I was hardly interested in others. Even though I didn't have many friends, I could count on those who were close to me and which I knew since kindergarten.

I was barely sick and if I was, I would still go to school because I was able to. I didn't take anything for granted. Even when I was young, I saw how hard my parents worked for their money. Money wasn't there to be thrown out of the window.

Even though I lived fairly well, I saw that others had it far worse. I never complained about any problems, be it toys I couldn't get due to lack of money or the ice cream I would have liked to eat. There was no way I would be disappointed in what I didn't get because in the end, it was my life that was gifted to me, which was not interchangable, no matter how hard my childhood was. I was being loved and that was all that mattered.

Home was always nicest, I thought. But only until the day when fateful events struck my family. I didn't know anything at the time. However, I found out later that my father died as a result of a brain tumor. One day he was just gone and my ten-year old self didn't know what happened to him. My mother tried to stay strong. Mainly for me as I was still young as my sister had just moved out at that time. However, I could see how difficult it was for her, how exhausting life had become for her to live for me. Her eyes were lifeless. It seemed as if her soul was just using her body to stay on earth.

The income from the dojo was gone and my mother had to shut it down. At some point my prize money from the competition was used up and we couldn't pay the rent anymore, so we moved into a small one-room apartment where we both slept on one small bed.

The only good thing was that I had gained so much knowledge that I received a scholarship to continue going to school. It was a very big relief for both of us.

My sister kept coming over and while she didn't want to make it obvious, I knew she supported us financially although she didn't earn that much herself yet.

Whenever my friends came to visit and I was happy, I noticed how, little by little, my mom regained her courage to face life again. She seemed more happy than ever and started going out again.

When I turned twelve, a new man came into our live. At the beginning he was very loving, very caring and got along very well with me. My mother was of course very relieved about it because not everyone she had met was happy that she had a young child that still needed to be taken care of.

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