Signs (M)

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Since Wooyoung must have caught the food poisoning about a week ago when the symptoms started, he thought a lot about where he could have gotten it from. Finally it dawned on him. It must have been that sandwich he ate. Only that made sense to Wooyoung because he hadn't eaten anything else that day. Since he had bought the sandwich from a bakery, he made his way to the bakery as soon as he felt better and wanted to ask if it was possible that something on the sandwiches they had sold there was spoiled or if they knew anything at all.

He entered the small bakery he had been going to since San had rescued him from his parents' house and was greeted with an emptyness. He sat down on a chair and waited in vain for staff.

After what felt like ten minutes, the back door opened and the baker walked in. He seemed to have smoked because Wooyoung caught a faint smell of cigarettes.

"H-Hi, Wooyoung. What are you doing here?" For some reason, the man trembled slightly when he saw Wooyoung, but he completely overlooked it.

"Hi, I was wondering if you know if there was anything wrong with the sandwiches last week? I might have gotten food poisoning from one of them." As soon as Wooyoung mentioned this, the older man tried to avoid eye contact.

"Unfortunately I can't tell you that, but if I were you I wouldn't come here again. It's for your own good." said the baker quietly. Breathing fast and, out of nowhere, he grabbed Wooyoung by the arm and threw him out of the bakery and locked the front door.

Wooyoung could only wonder when the baker disappeared back into the shop. It didn't surprise him too much. Although Wooyoung had always liked him, a lot of other's didn't.

With no new insights, Wooyoung went home and closed the subject. After all, he was feeling better again and from now on he only wanted to look ahead altoygh he wuld need to go to the doctors every now and then to get a checkup on his health.

Wooyoung fully recovered and was finally able to return to work after two weeks on sick leave. It had actually become very boring for him at home because San had to work during the day and always came home in the late afternoon or early evening. Woooyoung was looking forward to work and was very surprised when San entered the cafe just before closing time on his first day of officially returning.

"What are you doing here?" Wooyoung happily chirped and gave San a kiss as he approached him.

"I wanted to pick you up!" San smiled and kissed Wooyoung a few more times. Wooyoung loved it when San kissed him and he giggled sweetly while snuggling up to San.

"Do you remember that he's still working? He's not finished yet." Wooyoung's colleague came in from the back door and looked at the two lovers with admiring eyes.

"He's right. I'll wait here for you." San sent Wooyoung away so that he could clean up and they could close on time and the couple could head home. He blew him a kiss when the younger was about to go to the back to get his things.

"I'm glad you don't pick him up here too often. Please don't jump each other while I'm still here and do it when you have more privacy!" Wooyoung's colleague joked. San was glad that Wooyoung had him. He was always humorous but could also remain very serious and was always a help to Wooyoung and always there for him if something was bothering the younger one.

When they got home, Wooyoung didn't wait long and started unbuttoning San's shirt. The older one looked at him with hungry eyes. He loved it when Wooyoung took the initiative and showed him exactly what he wanted.

San could proudly say that their sex still felt as good as the first time. Of course, the two had evolved and matured. They weren't shy around each other anymore and treated each other very differently than they did back then.

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