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⚠️ Mention of bullying, neglection and abuse ⚠️

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Wooyoung's POV:

I woke up and looked at San. He was snooring lightly with a slightly open mouth. The last few years have been a real roller coaster ride. After I first crossed paths with the handsome boy in our house, my father beat me until I felt dizzy and I could only cry altough no tears were left. I knew it was forbidden to come out of my room, but what could I do about it? Obviously a lot. The days after that, he wouldn't let go of me and hit me again and again until I could barely walk anymore. He also warned me explicitly not to leave my room again when that boy comes back, otherwise I would be worse off. He spat in my face and kicked me out of the bedroom. I had stopped treating my hurting wounds after I was not allowed to go out anymore three years ago. New ones were added every day anyway. My parents were sick of transferring me everytime someone had bullied me so they just didn't let me go to school anymore.

Meeting San was a blessing for me. I struggled a lot with myself whether or not I should accept San's offer. In the end I had no other choice. I was fed up with being treated like this and finally wanted to live a normal life. Wanted to start living my life. San was my only way out and although I didn't really know him, I could see his concern for me in his eyes. After he confessed his own past to me, I knew with this boy I will be safe, I can trust him.

That's how it came that I actually dared to leave that abusive place I didn't dare to call home and decided to never be a burden to any of them ever again.

San's mother was as loving as I would have liked my own mother to be. She never hit me, but she didn't show me any affection either. When I was feeling sick, she accused me of faking it and that I was just being dramatic and lectured me. I automatically picked up a certain behavior and convinced myself that it wasn't that bad, that it didn't hurt that bad when I was beaten up or had to sleep out in the cold. But I knew that it was not normal to think that way. I could see it from the way they both treated my brothers. How they behaved towards them.

At some point I started to be jealous of them and started thinking that I just deserved to be treated differently, that I was not normal.

San's mother gave everything but I really didn't want to take anything. I didn't want pity. But when I woke up one evening and saw San's mother crying in front of a small altar, everything changed.
Her words burned into my head and I would never forget them.

'Honey, I'm so sorry that I was inconsiderate and handed our son over to this man without protecting him. I will make everything better and take care of our son until I am finally by your side again. I will also take good care of little Wooyoung. He hasn't had a good life so far. I'll do anything to make the boy feel better than ever. Even if I give my last savings for him.'

From that evening, I decided to let San and his mother tear down my walls. I wanted to be a good boy and not cause unnecessary stress and worry to this wonderful woman who went through the trouble of taking care of me. I was opening up slowly, but I was making progress in finally enjoying life.

I haven't heard anything from my parents since I started living with San and his mother. It was almost as if they weren't interested in my disappearance at all. Like they didn't care where I was and if I was alright. Maybe they were glad to have finally gotten rid of me. I still missed my brothers and they propably missed me as well. Even if they never intervened, they always made my torturous days and nights a little easier.

But I couldn't go back to see them. Not now that I have gotten closer to San. I was scared that history would repeat itself and someone would come for him. I wouldn't be able to bear it if San would be getting injured as badly as Yeosang was back then, which is why I hardly ever left the house. It was only after a few years that I dared to go out after we were sure that nobody from my family was looking for me and no one cared to look for me.

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