New memories

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⚠️Cuteness overload⚠️

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Wooyoung was like a different person since his confession. He literally blossomed, laughed a lot more, and finally seemed to be enjoying his life to the fullest.

However, for a while it remained the case that they were not intimate with each other. It just hadn't come up yet and they didn't want to rush anything, let alone challenge or force it.

Wooyoung was way more clingy than before. He always wanted to cuddle whenever San was just around and had time and when he didn't get what he wanted, he would sulk until San would give him attention even if it's just for a second. You could say that he had San wrapped around his finger and that he knew how to get what he wanted.

San loved to give him his needed attention. That was out of the question. Wooyoung was finally enjoying life and smiling every day.

"Sweetie, how was your day today?" San entered the living room where Wooyoung was eating a sandwich. He looked like a cute little hamster with his puffed out cheeks. He continued chewing after staring at San, quickly emptied his mouth and swallowed the remains.

"It was awesome and peaceful. I think it was actually the first day that I enjoyed school. Still, I'm glad to be able to work at the coffee store around the corner soon. It's really hard for me to study especially because I had such big gaps. I'm just happy that I was able to catch up on everything and that your mom made it possible for me to go to school again." Wooyoung slid to the side to make room for San on the small couch where the older sat diwn immediately.

"Would you like some?" Wooyoung lifted his sandwich and looked at him. San nodded and took a bite, not breaking eye contact. It was almost as if they were forced to look at each other. They couldn't take their eyes off each other.

"You've got something on the corner of your mouth." Wooyoung stared at San's lips and when San tried to wipe away the tartar sauce, Wooyoung could only laugh out loud. His attempts failing miserably.

"Wait, let me." Wooyoung slid closer and gently wiped the right corner of San's mouth with his finger. Just as he was about to wipe it on a napkin, San grabbed Wooyoung's wrist and stopped him. Confused, Wooyoung looked at the older male in front of him and by the time he realized what San was up to, it was too late for Wooyoung to react.

San had brought the younger's finger to his mouth and was sucking off the tartar sauce, their gazes lost in each other's eyes. Even after Wooyoung's finger was clean he still let his tongue slide around the slim finger. Not stopping until Wooyoung pulled his finger out just so that he could kiss him slowly and delicately. Both their lips slippery due to the tartar sauce.

San's hand found it's way to the back of Wooyoung's head to hold him in place while they continued to brush their lips against each other in a tender way. Wooyoung's hands trembled and a soft but clearly heard moan slipped out of his mouth.

At that moment, time stood still for the couple. Neither really wanted to stop kissing and their lust for each other grew steadily, but the ringing of the doorbell ripped them both out of their little world and San had to get up to go to the door because whoever was at the other side wanted them to open the door because the doorbell rang again and again.

As soon as he opened the door, Yunho and Jongho strutted into the apartment. They had just lost perfect moments of togetherness to his best friends as his mother would not have been home until late in the evening. San was slightly annoyed, but still closed the door and joined everyone in the living room.

Dear Baby - woosanWhere stories live. Discover now