Double the trouble

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After Seonghwa saw Wooyoung in such a state, he could not get him out of his mind. The younger one had not let him get close to him since then and San did not want to say anything about it either, which is why his concern grew immeasurably. Not knowing why Wooyoung was feeling this sick made him go crazy and his mind was occupied with worries.

All sorts of things were buzzing around in his head. He dreamed of how Wooyoung simply struggled with nutrition to the worst initial situations in which the young male was terminally ill and would not be among them much longer. It had to be something, because Seonghwa wasn't the only one who noticed the change in weight, although in the case of illness, weight loss is actually the first thing that comes to mind instead of weight gain. The others had also noticed that Wooyoung was always walking around in oversized clothes and was constantly pale.

Wooyoung, on the other hand, was feeling a little better by now and the nausea had finally improved a bit. For full three days he lay flat and the only movement he made these days was to go to the bathroom and back to the bed. Since San had to go to work, his mother had actively assisted the pregnant male, giving him tips that she had used on herself when she was pregnant with San. In fact, these had helped a lot and he was livelier in no time.

"You know, San is worried. He's read that the belly usually grows the most towards the end of pregnancy. I, on the other hand, already look like I'm four months along instead of almost three." Wooyoung confessed to San's mother and she nodded. San had already told her about his worries.

Wooyoung's legs and feet were also very swollen and somehow everything did not fit together, which is why San was very disciplined to attend the additional check-up appointment they received even though Wooyoung was afraid of it.  On the day in question, Wooyoung's legs were shaky and his digestive tract was acting up once they stepped into the doctor's office.

"Hello Mr. Jung, we'll do an ultrasound right away, just a few more moments." A midwife, who was provided especially for Wooyoung, asked them to take a seat in the waiting room and that she would call them in a moment.

In fact, it didn't take too long and they were able to get to their checkup.

The doctor welcomed the couple in his room, where the midwife was also waiting for them already prepared for the additional check-up. Wooyoung lay down on the stretcher and lifted his hoodie to expose his stomach.

"Mr. Jung, they are indeed somewhat prominent for your now third month. Let's see what the baby has to say about that then." She smiled reassuringly at Wooyoung and looked at her screen again. Wooyoung felt very safe secure around her. He was less afraid since she made it as comfortable as possible for him.

"Oh!" it suddenly burst out of her and both heads of the young parents-to-be snapped in her direction. They were worried that something might be wrong. A look at the attending doctor's astonished face also made them both tense.

"Is everything okay with our baby?" asked San quietly, but still loud enough for the midwife to understand him. For a brief moment, there was silence. A silence that made Wooyoung panic, and San noticed that his hands began to tremble. He quickly took his boyfriend's cold hands into his, not wanting him to think he was in this alone.

"More than just good. How could that little thing hide this well until now!" San and Wooyoung looked at each other and then towards the midwife. They were confused and she started laughing when she saw their unsuspecting faces.

"Congratulations! You are expecting twins! That also explains why Mr. Jung feels the way he does. Twin pregnancies are usually more intense!" San had to sit down first. Nevertheless, the joy was written all over his face when the doctor told them the very unexpected news.

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