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San got up first on Monday morning while Wooyoung refused to get up. He had already called out from the bathroom several times but Wooyoung just didn't wake up and continued to roll from side to side in bed.

"Baby, you have to get up now, otherwise you'll really be late!" San sat on the edge of Wooyoung's side of the bed and gently stroked his tousled brown hair.

"I know. I'm getting up already." Wooyoung got up and sauntered into the bathroom. Yesterday had exhausted him very much.

"I'll go then!" San briefly opened the bathroom door and stuck his head in just as Wooyoung was about to jump into the shower.

"See you tonight!" Wooyoung walked over to him, kissed him goodbye and then finally went into the shower to warm up his aching limbs.

The warmth was actually very good and his muscles didn't hurt too much anymore. When he got out of the shower he looked at the clock and had to hurry because he was indeed very late.

He packed his lunch, put on his shoes and grabbed a jacket from the closet that he would throw on on the way.

Luckily he wasn't too late, but he didn't have time to catch his breath because guests were already waiting for the cafe to open.

Wooyoung and his colleague were working through the customers one after the other when suddenly none other than his doctor, who had drawn his blood, was standing in front of him.

"I thought I'd try that great advertised coffee you guys are brewing." The doctor smiled at Wooyoung, who immediately got to it.

"I called you earlier but you didn't pick up. I wanted to ask you if you have a few minutes during lunch break? I have to talk to you about something. Could you come to my office for a moment then?" Wooyoung's heart stopped. If he's came all the way to his workplace, then it must be something more serious. After all, San and Wooyoung enlightened him about his birth defect when they had their first doctor's visit back then.

"Yeah, sure. I think I can arrange that." Wooyoung spoke quietly. His colleague only looked at him. He was propably worried why he would need to go to the doctor's but he decided to not ask the younger male.

"You can go. Don't worry. Boomgyu will come in later. He's taking over for you until you come back." He assured him and Wooyoung nodded. He appreciated that he didn't ask him what's wrong and continued to serve customers until lunch break announced itself and Wooyoung rushed out.

Wooyoung was shaking all over as he sat in the waiting room waiting for his name to be called.

"Mr. Jung please in room three." The intercom announced and Wooyoung got up, legs shaking as he started walking towards room three.

"Wooyoung, have a seat. Glad you could organize it." The doctor spoke but didn't look up as he was clicking around on his computer.

The frightened young man sat down on the chair without a word and tugged nervously at his shirt.

"I checked your blood values and they were very good." Wooyoung looked up. Now was that a good sign? The doctor finally looked up at him as well and had a certain smile on his lips. One that revealed there was more to it than just that.

There is a beta-HCG concentration in the blood serum which should normally be below 3 U/I. You had an unusually high reading and due to the fact that you have a birth defect I would like to do an ultrasound to confirm our suspicions." The older man explained. Wooyoung didn't understand a word but followed the doctor and lay down on the couch to which he was referred.

Dear Baby - woosanWhere stories live. Discover now