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Luhan's mother yelled from downstairs.

"But mom! I hate school!" Luhan shouted back, shoving his face back into his warm pillow. "LUHAN! GET UP ALREADY!" Luhan finally gave in, dragging himself into the washroom.

He turned on the light, and was shocked to see what was in the mirror. His bubblegum pink hair was sticking up all over the place, drool on the side of his face, large bags under his eyes, probably since he stayed up so late watching Kill La Kill.

He quickly put on some concealer under his eyes. He then put on a bit of eyeliner, careful not to overdo it. He brushed his hair so it was straight down.

He then looked at the outfit he had picked the night before. A white t shirt, and a pair of black jeans. "LUHAN! BREAKFAST!" His mother called. He raced downstairs.

The smell of toast wavered in the air. Luhan grabbed the toast out of the air as it popped out of the toaster. He saw that his mom already had some pink milk waiting for him. He ate and drank fast, seeing that it was 7:47 and he had to be at school at 8:05. He grabbed his black backpack by the door.

"Bye mom! Love you!"

Luhan called as he raced out the door, not waiting for her reply. He sprinted all the way to school.

"Luhan! Over here!" said Luhan's best friend, Oh Sehun. "Sehun! What's up?" Luhan smiled as he walked over to give him a hug.

"Nothing much, but hey, did you here the news?" Sehun asked. "No, what?" Luhan questioned as he cocked his head a bit, a habit that Sehun would make fun of him for.

"There's a new kid! His name is Kim Minseok! You should talk to him!" Sehun said, gently nudging Luhan.

"Sehun, just because I'm gay doesn't mean that you need to suggest every guy to me." Luhan chucked as he picked the lint off his shirt.

Suddenly, a group of girls started to giggle and squeal. Luhan and Sehun turned around, and Luhan could've swore that his breath was taken away.

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