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After the cuddle session with Xiumin, Luhan was sure about his feelings for him. The way his heart would quicken when Xiumin would touch him. The way he blushed everytime he would compliment Luhan. Everything about him made Luhan smile. Just thinking about him made Luhan have inappropriate thoughts.

Suddenly, he felt a bulge in his pants.

"Oh my God, stop Luhan! You're in public!" Luhan told himself as he quickly tried to cover up.

It was a bit chilly once Luhan stepped outside, making goosebumps on his light skin. As he walked home, he thought about how Xiumin had stuttered after Luhan had thanked him for carrying him.

"Could he feel the same way?" He wondered as he felt his heart beat faster at the thought. "No, I'm too girly for him. He'll probably go for someone more manly than me. Wait, I am manly! I'm a manly man!" Luhan finally detemined as he turned the corner to his house.

Suddenly, he felt a tap on the shoulder, and it was Sehun.

"Oh hey Seh-WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR HAIR?!" Luhan shouted as Sehun smiled.

"Well, I thought I'd try something new. Cool huh? It's almost as gay as you Han!" Sehun laughed as Luhan smacked his head.

"Stop saying that! Anyway, tell me who did your hair. I could really go for a new hair color. Pink is starting to get boring. I need a new color." Luhan said as Sehun ran his fingers through his rainbow hair.

"Suho-hyung did it. He said it looked amazing with my eyes. I was gonna go with blond, but he convinced me to do every color!" Sehun chuckled as Luhan cocked his head a bit like always.

"Well, I'll call him and see if I could get an appointment. Anyway, see you later Sehun!" Luhan shouted as he walked away from him.

"Bye hyung! See you at school!"

Finally, Luhan was home. He said hello to his mom and dad, ate dinner, quickly took a shower, and headed for bed.

"I can't wait to see Xiumin tomorrow, maybe I can ask him if he wants to come with me to my hair appointment? Aish, he drives me insane, but he makes up for it." Luhan smiled as he finally dozed off to sleep.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Also, thanks RadxCliff0rd for the cover!

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