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"Ugh. Wooshin please, your dad needs a break from all that kicking." Luhan sighed as he rubbed his stomach.

Of course, the baby continued to kick. It was like Wooshin wanted to get out as soon as possible. However, he wasn't due for another 3 months.

"Luhan! I'm home!" Xiumin called from downstairs.

"Come on baby, daddy's home." Luhan smiled as he gently got up from his chair and gripped the banister as he slowly went down the stairs.

"Hello my darling boy. Hello my Wooshin." Xiumin said, gently placing a kiss on Luhan's lips and on his stomach. The baby seemed to kick in response. The two laughed, surprised at the baby's reaction.

"How was school? I miss it there. It seems ages since I last went." Luhan asked, getting out the leftovers he prepared for Xiumin.

"It was okay. Many people are still asking about you Lu. Everyone misses you, especially Baekhyun." Xiumin said, taking a seat that was across from Luhan.

"Awe I miss that little diva too. He must be sad since he doesn't have a seat partner." Luhan chuckled at the thought of a lonely Baek.

"You know he's due in less than 2 months? Time sure does fly. Wonder how he's doing since the wait must be getting more painful." Xiumin said.

Suddenly, the door burst open. The two turned their heads to see who it was. Xiumin, thinking it was a burglar, immediately hid Luhan with his arms. Unfortunately, Luhan was taller, so Minseok couldn't do more than cover his stomach.

"Guess who's back! It's your best friend and his giant!" Baekhyun sing-songed as his boyfriend walked in close behind.

"God damn it Baekhyun. You scared the living hell out of me. I thought you were a robber. You can't just walk into someone's house like that!" Xiumin exclaimed, dropping his hands.

"Sorry not sorry. I've done his multiple times. Why are you getting all pissy now?" Baek sassed, putting down the bags onto the counter. Chanyeol began to unpack everything from them.

"What's all this Baek?" Luhan questioned, getting up from his chair to give his best friend a hug.

"Oh yeah! Almost forgot, we're throwing a party!" Baekhyun said, his tone overflowing with excitement.

"A party? Why didn't you tell us?" Luhan yelled, ready to hit Baekhyun's head.

"I'm sorry Han. I decided to throw a surprise baby shower for you. Yeollie is already setting everything." Baekhyun pointed to Chanyeol as he began to put up the decorations.

"GUESS WHO'S HERE! YOUR BEST FRIEND IN SEOUL, OH SEHUN!" Sehun exclaimed from the door, carrying a blue wrapped present.

"Oh look, the noodle boy is here. Hey Sehun." Luhan smiled as he gave him a quick hug.

"Here Chanyeol, let me help you with that." Xiumin said, getting up and helping Chanyeol with the tablecloth.

"I still can't believe you did all this Baek. I'm not even sure if I want all this." Luhan sighed, resting his chin on his hand.

"Oh stop being a Debby Downer Lu! Just enjoy it all while it lasts." Baekhyun said, as he and Sehun grabbed Luhan and rushed him to the bathroom.

hey guys i'm back once more! I really liked how this chapter came out. anyway, i'm gonna try to update on Luhan's birthday, and maybe write a message for him.

Vote and Comment please!

Xoxo, Claire

darling boy || l.h & k.mTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang