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"Minseok! Come quick!" Luhan yelled, giggling a bit as he heard footsteps banging against the staircase.

"What?" Concern lacing the older's voice.

"Come on Wooshin, tell Daddy what you said."

The baby looked at his two dads in curiosity, before clapping his hands and laughing.

"Da-da." Luhan clapped as a huge grin spread across his face.

It only took that word to have Xiumin wiping at the tears forming in his eyes.

"God he's so precious." Xiumin said softly, sniffling as he carefully grabbed his son's hand.

The baby cocked his head in confusion, reaching his hands out to the older male so he could be held.

Xiumin laughed, picking up his baby and smiling even bigger as Wooshin placed his head on his shoulder.

It had been a while, and Wooshin was now 4 months old. He was bubbly, happy, and rarely cried. Xiumin and Luhan truly loved their son, always appreciating the little things about him.

Minseok carefully placed Wooshin on the couch, making sure he could sit fine.

"Careful baby, you know he can't hold all his weight yet." Luhan chuckled, placing a pillow behind Wooshin's back so he could sit up straight.

The baby gurgled in response, playing with his dad's hands. Minseok smiled warmly at the sight, reaching up to kiss his son's head.

"He looks so much like you. He has your monolids and chubby cheeks." Luhan said, smiling as he gently pinched Wooshin's cheek.

"He has your small nose and plump lips. So, he shares both of our features." Xiumin corrected, causing Luhan to chuckle.

"Can you believe I finally made it through high school?" Luhan smiled, remembering how Minseok had let him go back a few weeks after having Wooshin. He chuckled at the thought of Baekhyun crying during the graduation ceremony.

"Minseok, Luhan? I'm home." A voice rang out, followed by the closing of the front door.

"Mom, welcome back." Minseok smiled, standing up to help his mother put away the groceries. Luhan picked up Wooshin and went to the kitchen with them.

A few weeks before, Minseok's mother had came to ask if she could stay with them. She had finally worked up the courage to leave her abusive now-ex husband. Of course, the couple greeted her with open arms. She helped out with taking care of little Wooshin while they were away.

"Hi my little star. Did you miss me?" Minseok's mother cooed at her grandson, kissing his chubby cheeks. The baby smiled, reaching his little arms towards his grandmother as she picked him up.

"He really loves you. I'm happy." Luhan smiled, watching as Wooshin played with Minseok's mother.

"Thank you for giving me such a beautiful baby. Please tell me you're gonna have more soon?" She smiled, a teasing glint in her eyes.

Luhan looked at Minseok and laughed, shaking his head.

"One day, just wait a bit. Minseok does want a lot more kids though."

"What can I say, having a wonderful family with you is all I can ask for." Minseok said warmly, pulling Luhan into a warm embrace and kissed him with all the love he could possibly have.

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