♡ 3 | Let him go

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"Mustard leaf." Inumaki tugs on your right sleeve as the two of you trail behind Okkotsu and Orimoto. The four of you are heading off to the arcade like Okkotsu promised after school. But you can only keep your eyes down to avoid all the couples around you in Tokyo. You cast your eyes to the right to meet Inumaki's purple-colored eyes. 

He scans all over your face to read your emotions but you only hold a blank one. He points to his own eyes before pointing at yours. You reach up to touch your eyes from his action. They're slightly puffy. No surprise after your crying during lunch. "I was crying because of..." Your eyes slowly look forward to Okkotsu who's smiling ear to ear with Orimoto.

The two are walking with laced arms. Pursing your lips, you swallow the saliva that forms in your throat. An exhale slips past your lips as you sigh. "I'm too exhausted to talk about it. Let's just not get left behind by the others." 

Inumaki silently stares at you before inching himself closer to you. You feel your shoulder brush up against his from the close proximity. You ready to step aside but Inumaki grabs ahold of you from bumping into the other pedestrians. He flashes his phone at you to read the text he's typed out. 

'Dummy. When are you going to give up on him? It's been five years.😠' 

You scrunch your nose at Inumaki's text. "It's hard. Not like you would know anything about falling in love Toge." You grumble under your breath as you watch Inumaki from the corner of your eye texting furiously. He raises his phone again for you to read. 

'That's rude. But, I hate seeing you sad Y/N. Let's be realistic here and look at the bigger picture. Yuta and Rika are madly in love. There's nothing in the world that will tear them apart. There's plenty of guys for you to fall in love with too. Asides me, I'm not volunteering myself. 🙅🏻‍♂️'

You roll your eyes to his last sentence. But a giggle stifles out from you. "You're right." Your attention is forward when you stare at Okkotsu and Orimoto. Goosebumps litter your arms and there's a sadness in your chest. "I'll learn to let go." You glance over to Inumaki. "That's what you want to hear right?" 

Inumaki nods his head and raises an okay symbol with his hand. He smiles in response. Your eyes drop down with a heavy sigh. It's the logical choice for you to do. Five years of your emotions being bottled up is going to head no where. 

"We're here guys!" Orimoto calls out to you and Inumaki from up ahead. She points to the arcade with enthusiasm. You force a smile on your face and hurry forward to enter the arcade. Okkotsu walks over to the coin machine, feeding it a few slips of currency. The sound of coins clattering against the metal is barely audible with all of the arcade machines going. 

He divvies up the coins and the four of you begin to walk around the arcade. "Guys, let's go play the claw machines." Orimoto calls out, running ahead. Okkotsu hurries after her without being able to say anything in response. You and Inumaki helplessly follow along as you weave through the busy arcade space. 

Orimoto stops short in front of a claw machine with several variation of cat plushies. Her eyes practically sparkle as she shoves in a few coins and begins to play. Okkotsu chuckles at her adorable expression. You tear your eyes away from the sight when you feel a sting in your heart. Maybe it's best you don't follow those two. 

You scan the claw machines to find one a bit further away from the group. Inumaki is no fool when he notices what you're doing. But he refrains from making it look too suspicious that the two of you are trying to stray away from the couple. Inumaki begins to play at a claw machine that's three machines down. You decide to go over one aisle in hopes to find a cute plushie to distract your mind from. 

𝚏𝚘𝚘𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 | Yuta Okkotsu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now