♡ 27 | Gotcha

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You couldn't sleep a wink last night. Your mind is always full of Okkotsu. Even more so when you believe that his heart is slightly swaying towards you. Heat rushes onto your cheeks and the flowers begin to swirl wildly around you. You're the first to wake up and begin training. Something out of the norm. Usually the first one to wake is Maki. 

Pulling yourself out of your thoughts before you create a flower tornado, you bundle the flowers together into another bouquet. Extending your hand out, you grab out for them. You raise the flowers to your face and inhale deeply. The scent of the flowers somewhat calm your nerves. A silly thought bubbles up in your mind.

You recall the silly game of saying he loves me, he loves me not from each pull of a petal. Giving into your idea, you pluck one flower from the bouquet. You set the bouquet of to the side while focusing on the single daisy between your finger tips. You then begin to pluck one petal off at a time. The answer is obvious based on the amount of petals. But you continue to pluck them anyway.

"He loves me...he loves me not." You murmur under your breath. Your focus is solely on the flower. Four petals down and you're on the final one. A voice startles you when you pluck the last one. "He loves me." The words fall from your lips absentmindedly. 

Okkotsu is rushing over to you with a gentle smile. He plops himself right next to you with a yawn escaping from him. "You're up early." Okkotsu's sleepy voice fills your ears. The boy stretches his arms high up in the air before resting them in his lap. His dark blue eyes rest on your face. "What are you doing with that stem?" 

Your eyes drop down to the petal-less flower. You discard it in the grass hastily. "I was training my mind to pluck the petals off." You spew out a weak lie. Okkotsu seems to buy it when he nods his head. His eyes look up to the sky and the gentle smile returns on his face. 

"Let's train together." Okkotsu suggests an idea. The two of you make eye contact and there's a comfortable silence in the conversation. Your brain begins to go into haywire. Train with Okkotsu? What exactly will the training entail? Can you even focus?

Your silence stretches long enough for Okkotsu to snicker under his breath. He raises the back of his hand to muffle his laughter. "I'm sure you're wondering how, right? It's so easy to read you sometimes Y/N." Your heart skips when you hear Okkotsu's warm laughter. 

Swallowing the saliva that builds in your mouth, you pout. You then murmur under your breath, "You're right." Okkotsu stands up and pats his pants. He extends a hand out to you for you to grab. Nervously, you grab his hand and he easily lifts you up. 

"You've been mostly focusing on your skills but nothing else, right? You should learn some physical attacks and endurance too. It's always nice to have more than one trick up your sleeve." Okkotsu wears a tiny smile when he speaks. You nod your head to his words. 

Okkotsu's not wrong. You'll be helpless if you can't outrun an enemy. "Okay. Let's do this!" You're fired up when you ball up your hands into fists. There's a look of determination painting on your face. Okkotsu catches himself chuckling at you again. You look away shyly when he tries to muffle his laughter. 

"I won't go easy on you just because you're my friend, alright?" Okkotsu speaks between laughter. He inhales deeply to calm himself. You squint your eyes at him and begin to change your stance into one of battle. Okkotsu clears his throat and begins to do the same. "Whoever touches the other first on the forehead, wins. In three...two...one!" 

Your first thought is to duck. But your move is too easily readable. Okkotsu's pointer finger gently presses against your forehead. The corner of his lips tug into a smile. "Too easy." Okkotsu whispers. 

The two of you reset your positions again. This time you'll have to surprise him. But it's easier said than done when Okkotsu's had more training physically than you have. Time after time again, you're making no effort in getting the upper hand against Okkotsu. Sweat begins to build up on your forehead. 

If anything this training is physically and mentally demanding. You have to think on your next move while carrying out the action. "I believe in you Y/N." Okkotsu whispers in front of you. He wears a tiny smile on his lips and his eyes are firing up from anticipation. 

Maybe you're overthinking things. You've tried every possible move but one. Once Okkotsu counts down to three, you cover your forehead and sprint away. Okkotsu is thrown off when his eyes widen and he's calling out for you. "Y/N! Don't run away!" 

You snicker under your breath at how childish you are. But this is the only idea that came to your mind after many failed attempts. Your breathing is labored when you feel how low your stamina truly is. Flowers brush against your legs the further you run out into the field. You hesitate to look behind you. 

Okkotsu is not that far away from you as you slow down from exhaustion. You can't let this come out as a failure after all this. You focus on the right moment to cause a flower storm around Okkotsu. The boy falls into your trap when he runs into the large field of flowers. Okkotsu looks frantic when he notices a swarm of flowers surrounding him.

He tries to shield his eyes by raising his arm up. Okkotsu continues to walk through despite the wind whipping around him. His hair blows frantically and the flowers block most of his view. Now how are you going to poke his forehead if his arm is blocking the way? Another brilliant idea comes to mind. 

With Okkotsu's arm in front of him, he won't be able to see where you are. You continue the whirlwind while rushing to be behind him. You only calm the storm when you're directly behind him. You try your best to hold in your breath. Okkotsu lowers his arm and his reflex is cat-like. 

The boy easily turns around with his pointer finger ready to attack. But you have the advantage. A giddy smile forms on your face when your left pointer finger meets his forehead. Your right hand grabs ahold of his left pointer finger. "Gotcha." You whisper the words in front of him. 

Okkotsu's lips part open but not a single word slips out. His eyes are wavering and you notice his cheeks slowly forming a shade of pink. You then realize how close the two of you are. Flustered, you let go of his finger and lower your hand back to your side. Awkwardly coughing, you step back to get some air. 

Your eyes glue to the ground beneath your feet. What do you do and say now? Your heart is overjoyed at the thought of seeing Okkotsu blush. Seeing that kind of reaction from him is refreshing. Nervously, you raise your eyes up to look at Okkotsu. 

The boy is also glaring down at the grass beneath his feet. There's a gentle wind that blows past and you can see the tips of his ears redden. Okkotsu nervously raises his eyes up. When the two of you make eye contact, you both hastily look away. You mentally squeal in your mind. 

This can't be real, right? There's possibly no other reason for Okkotsu to act so shy. The only reason is that his feelings are shifting. There's an overwhelming amount of excitement in your body. You can die happy right now. 

You're pulled out of your thoughts when in a split of a second, Okkotsu is right before you. His speed is too quick for the naked eye. Your forehead meets a gentle warmth from his fingertips. Your wavering eyes look up to see Okkotsu's charming face in close proximity. There's a smile that rests on his face when you meet his dark blue eyes. 

"Don't let your guard down Y/N." Okkotsu whispers. His fingertips leave your forehead and he gently boops your nose. You feel flustered and quickly hide your face behind your hands. Your heart hammers against your chest from how cute Okkotsu is. 

There's a heartwarming laughter that erupts from his throat. Okkotsu takes a step back and exhales. "Let's take a break. We've been at this for two hours without breakfast." Okkotsu begins to walk back towards the dorm. You keep your distance as you try to gather your emotions together. It's so unfair how easily Okkotsu can rile up your feelings.

𝚏𝚘𝚘𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 | Yuta Okkotsu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now