♡ 24 | Little by little

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You slowly open your eyes, your body feeling heavy. Did you pass out? What happened? Your vision clears up as you notice a familiar ceiling. You're back in your dorm room. 

What time is it? You turn your head to the right to look at the clock but instead you notice someone sitting by your bedside. You refrain from making a startling noise as your eyes widen for a moment. A disheveled black haired Okkotsu is sleeping soundly on the edge of your bed. His head is resting on the bed while he's slouched over on the chair. You take a look at the clock that reads 6AM. 

Did Okkotsu wait all night by your side? You quietly roll onto your side while chewing your bottom lip. Your gaze remains still on Okkotsu's sleeping face. This idiotic heart of yours is pounding against your chest. Okkotsu's faint scent fills your nostrils from the close distance. 

Feeling your face flush, you pull your blanket over your face. Your rustling must have stirred Okkotsu awake when you hear him quietly groan. "Y/N?" Okkotsu's sleepy voice calls out to you. You feel his hand tug at your blanket. "Is she trying to suffocate herself in her sleep?" 

Okkotsu speaks more to himself without the awareness that you're fully awake. Not wanting to resist his tugging, you let go of the blanket. The two of you make eye contact when Okkotsu lowers the blanket from your face. The two of you quickly avert each other with flushing faces. There's an awkward silence and neither of you want to speak first. 

Stiffly, Okkotsu looks over to you. His dark blue eyes gazes at your side profile. You nervously look at him from the corner of your eye. "Um...do you remember anything from last night?" Okkotsu's tone is soft. He breaks the silence first this time. 

You turn to look at Okkotsu directly. His left hand runs through his hair as he continues to speak. "I found you knocked out against a tree trunk with two cursed spirits dead. The only thing I heard was your scream." You try to recall the events of last night based on Okkotsu's description. 

The last thing you remember was screaming with your eyes shut. You quickly sit up to inspect your injuries but there are none. You only feel sore. "I can't remember anything other than screaming. Did my scream possibly ricochet the bear?" One eyebrow raises as you ponder on the thought, your head tilting with your arms crossed. 

You then turn your attention back to Okkotsu who silently looks at you in surprise. He then chuckles under his breath with a shake to his head. "You're full of surprises Y/N." Okkotsu's laughter easily makes your heart skip in response. His smile looks adorable. 

Crinkling your nose, you murmur. "I guess there's more to my powers than I thought." Another silence falls on the conversation but you quickly pick it back up. "Sorry for making you stay by my side all night. You didn't have to." 

Okkotsu shakes his head. He scratches the side of his cheek shyly, his eyes dropping to the floor. "I wanted to." Okkotsu's words seeps into your heart. If this continues, you'll only get mixed feelings. Especially when neither of you brought back up the conversation of your confession.

There's a gentle knock against your door and Okkotsu rises from his spot to get it. He cracks open the door and another figure excuses themselves inside your room. The person practically speed runs to your side. Fushiguro towers over you with a stern expression. His brows knit together and his lips are pursed into a fine line. 

Why does Fushiguro look so angry with you? You look up at the boy while nervously swallowing the saliva that builds up in your mouth. Out of character, Fushiguro presses his pointer finger onto your forehead while roughly pushing your head back. You squeeze your eyes shut from the sudden action while squeaking out. Fushiguro's nostrils flare when you flutter your eyes back open. 

"Don't make me worry about you Y/L/N-senpai. Next time we're partnered up, I'm not letting you go. What if Okkotsu wasn't there to find you unconscious?" Fushiguro begins to slur his words. You can barely understand him as he continues on and on. It's a first for you to interact with Fushiguro for so long in conversation. Even though it's him doing the talking mostly. 

After rambling some more he groans loudly with his arms crossed. He turns to walk out but says one more thing before leaving. "You and I won the prize. Gojo said he'll take us out when you feel better." Fushiguro then leaves just as quickly as he had stormed into your room. 

You stare in bewilderment at the door before looking over to Okkotsu who shrugs in response. Okkotsu quietly closes the door to sit back by your bedside. You softly rub the area where Fushiguro had pressed. "Looks like I should be more mindful as an upperclassman for my kohai's." You're not used to being the senior. It's more responsibility than you thought. 

Okkotsu chuckles in response with a nod to his head. "Congratulations Y/N. You're progressing in your skills." Okkotsu's words motivate you as a smile creeps on your face. "I wonder where Gojo will take you two. You can never know his next step." 

You only shiver in response. If Gojo came up with the night training, an outing to him can either be torturous or fun. Not only that, you'll be alone with Fushiguro again. You've already upset the boy. Can the two of you even hold a steady conversation? You're not even sure what Fushiguro's interests are. 

Your shoulders slump and you only wished the person you're spending the day with is Okkotsu. He must've noticed your melancholy expression when you hear him speak up again. "Don't look so glum Y/N." Okkotsu gently pulls at your ear. His touch sends chills down your spine when you jolt in response. 

Cheeks flushed, your attention rests on him. "I just wish I was with you." Your honest thoughts slip out and it startles the both of you. You quickly slap a hand over your mouth and Okkotsu shyly looks away while clearing his throat. Barely, you notice the tips of his ears redden. 

There you go again saying silly things and shoving your emotions onto him. But Okkotsu's response is what silences your thoughts. "How am I suppose to react when you say something so cute like that, Y/N?" Your heart races as your eyes widen from his words. Your words are causing Okkotsu to fluster. That means...

Your feelings are getting to him, right?

𝚏𝚘𝚘𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 | Yuta Okkotsu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now