♡ 26 | You see it too, right?

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"What is it? Is there something on my face?" Okkotsu awkwardly glances at Itadori and Inumaki. The three are eating lunch together in the shared space of the dorm. Itadori narrows his eyes on Okkotsu as he leans across the table. Inumaki mimics the pink haired boy. 

In response Okkotsu leans back with a perplexed expression. The two have been quiet their entire meal until now. Itadori crosses his arms and slowly leans back in his seat. He looks over at Inumaki and gives a firm nod. "Yeah, he has to be in phase one." 

Okkotsu raises a brow. Phase one? Are the two speaking in code language? "Phase one? What are you two talking about." Okkotsu speaks up. Itadori and Inumaki trade glances before staring at Okkotsu again.

"Y/L/N-senpai, she's really cute." Itadori blurts out something random. Okkotsu's eyes widen briefly from his comment before he ponders on how to respond. The longer he waits to answer, the longer he feels flustered. Okkotsu's eyes drop to his lap. 

Itadori points at Okkotsu energetically. "PHASE ONE! THAT'S PROOF." Itadori is full of excitement with Inumaki nodding enthusiastically. The two boys practically have stars in their eyes. Okkotsu returns his attention over to the two. Itadori's comment was to rile a certain reaction out of him, wasn't it? 

"What are you on about Itadori? I don't understand." Okkotsu clears his throat, exhaling deeply. Itadori calms down and speaks with his indoors voice. A mischievous look paints across the pink haired boys face. 

Itadori hums happily to himself. "I wonder how much fun Fushiguro and Y/L/N are having together. Do you think they'll be close friends now? After the whole scare last night, trauma tends to bring two people together." Itadori stares right through Okkotsu, waiting for a reaction. 

Okkotsu's unsure what Itadori's intentions are but he answers his question anyway. Okkotsu grabs their plates together and rises up from his seat. "I'm sure they're enjoying a day off from training. If they become friends, that'll be great. The more the merrier." 

Itadori deflates from Okkotsu's reaction. Inumaki shrugs when he looks at Itadori who slumps over the table. Okkotsu refrains from snickering at Itadori. He's sure Itadori was trying to pull out another response. There's nothing for Okkotsu to feel threatened by Fushiguro. 

"It's unfair. I wanted to spend time with Y/L/N. To hear her adorable laughter and make her smile that big goofy smile she wears." Itadori groans loudly with a pout. He purposely says this with his back facing Okkotsu. The boy sticks a tongue out playfully towards Inumaki who is snickering behind his collar. 

Okkotsu stiffens when he hears Itadori's statement. Easily he can envision Y/N's smile. That big smile of hers is adorable. It can easily cheer anyone up who's having a bad day. Suddenly Okkotsu feels something stir within him but he tries to shove it away. He returns his attention to washing the dishes. 

"Oh my god, wait!" Itadori springs up with a clap to his hands. "It's a date for them right? It's just the two of them together. If I know Gojo well, he went off on his own and left the two to do whatever. That lucky dog!" Itadori clicks his tongue. 

Date? Okkotsu never thought of their outing in that way. But it must look like that from a third persons point of view. Deep in his thoughts, Okkotsu doesn't realize how hot the water is. He pulls away his hand and hisses out. 

Itadori and Inumaki look over to see Okkotsu waving his hand by his side. He switches the water over to cold before running his hand under. Itadori whispers under his breath, "Okkotsu definitely fell for that one." Inumaki nods his head along to Itadori's words. Raising his voice, Itadori calls out to Okkotsu. "You okay Okkotsu?"

"What's wrong with Yuta?" Another voice emerges into the conversation causing the boys to look over. You and Fushiguro have returned with hands full of prizes the two of you won. Itadori hurries over to your side but Fushiguro stops him from suffocating you into a hug. You swiftly move out of the way and set your belongings aside to hurry over to Okkotsu. 

𝚏𝚘𝚘𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 | Yuta Okkotsu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now