♡ 7 | Awkward

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"Do you think Yuta is okay?" You murmur the question over to Inumaki who's stifling a yawn. He looks over to you with a raise to his brow and a tilt to his head. Pursing your lips you look forward. "He just...seemed out of it during lunch. Maybe I'm just misreading things." 

The conversation grows quiet as the two of you continue to leave the school building. Something catches your attention when you notice a familiar face leaving one of the teacher offices. Kamo wears a restless expression. The two of you make eye contact and his facial expression reverts back to blankness. As if Inumaki's sensed Kamo's looming eyes, you notice Inumaki walking closer to you. It's as if Inumaki is protecting you from Kamo. 

You recall the way Kamo interacted with you for the first time. It's no surprise Inumaki believes Kamo will be brutish with his words towards you. Not wanting to keep up this stare contest, you bow slightly before grabbing ahold of Inumaki's wrist. You tug Inumaki along towards the school gate. You only let go of Inumaki when the two of you are on the main sidewalk now. 

Your fingers run through your hair before you release a heavy exhale. "That was awkward. Wasn't it Toge?" Glancing over, your eyes rest on the platinum blonde haired boy. He nods his head and shrivels up. The corner of your lips curl as you giggle from his dramatic action. 

"What was awkward?" A voice cuts into your conversation that startles you and Inumaki. Both of you are quick to turn around with a jolt backwards. Kamo stands there silently with his usual stare. When did he creep up? Neither of you had noticed.

Clearing your throat, you stare at Kamo's gray eyes. "D-Did you need something from us Kamo?" You switch up the conversation quickly. Kamo doesn't seem pressed for you to answer his former question. The boy shakes his head. Then why is he here?

Inumaki firmly purses his lips in a fine line, his eyes narrowing in on Kamo. Kamo is unbothered by the look Inumaki gives him. His eyes remain on you without wavering. "Actually, I lied. The thing is, I'm new here. I don't know anyone and I'd like to know if you two can show me around." 

Kamo's statement softens Inumaki's stern expression. Inumaki glances over to you and your eyes meet his. The two of you seem to speak telepathically to one another. Most likely wondering if Kamo is serious. You both break eye contact before looking at Kamo again.

"Is there something specific you want to go see? We're in Tokyo so things are relatively near each other." Your words fall short when you see a phone being extended in front of you. Staring at the phone, you glance up at Kamo. He urges the phone forward to you and you feel the need to quickly take it from him. 

The contact screen reflects back at you. "I'll contact you with a list of places. For today the three of us should head home. It's too short notice of me to have you drag me around. Especially on a school night." Kamo speaks calmly as you begin to type in your contact. 

You pass the phone over to Inumaki who inputs his own number before handing Kamo back his phone. Pleased, Kamo sends a quick text to the two of you before putting his phone away. "Do you know the way to get home Kamo?" You ask him without thinking twice. Seeming as though Kamo doesn't just use his navigation app to find places he needs to get to. 

The boy stares at you as if you asked a ridiculous question. You're quick to look away from his judging eyes. You mutter out a quick lie. "If it's on the way, we can all walk home together. Toge's the first stop." 

Kamo tilts his head to the side. "My place is in the opposite direction. So, this is where we'll part." Kamo answers you as you and Inumaki nod your heads. You say your goodbyes before turning your backs to Kamo. But you still feel his eyes on your back as you two begin to walk further away from him. 

Not a moment later do you hear someone running from behind. Inumaki looks over and he wears a confused expression. You look over your shoulder to see Kamo slowing down beside you. What is it now? Kamo is more indecisive than you can imagine. First it was the vending machine and now it's this.

"You said Inumaki is the first stop, right? I'll walk you home then." Kamo speaks up without looking at you directly. His eyes are focused ahead. There's kindness in his actions but you wonder why he would go out of his way for you. Maybe this is his way of saying thank you for showing him around in the future? You don't question Kamo as you and Inumaki begin to cross the road. 

Inumaki types something on his phone before showing it to Kamo. "It's fine, I can walk Y/N home." Kamo reads the text before looking over to Inumaki. He raises a brow and points to the phone. "Is there a reason why you're not verbally saying this?" Kamo's question reminds you that not everyone knows about Inumaki's speech. 

You've only heard Inumaki say onigiri ingredients as far back as your youthful years. The only times he would say anything more, rendered you still. His speech seemed to have some kind of power of sorts. You never thought much of it since he couldn't exactly explain things to you. It all seems like fairytale every time he attempted to explain about his family. 

"Toge struggles with speech. So he prefers to communicate this way." You muster a quick and easy to understand reasoning. You couldn't possibly tell Kamo that if Inumaki says anything other than ingredients that he'll be under Inumaki's control. Thankfully Kamo steers the conversation elsewhere instead. 

He gives a curt nod before looking at Inumaki. "If you're worried about me being around Y/N, you can come along. I mean no harm in my intentions. At the end of the day I'm a senior to you both. I'll make sure you both get home safe then." 

Your mouth parts slightly when you hear Kamo say your forename again. You want to correct Kamo but he nudges your shoulder slightly. "Let's go you two. The sun won't be out forever." Closing your mouth, you and Inumaki begin to briskly walk to your place first.

𝚏𝚘𝚘𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 | Yuta Okkotsu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now