♡ 28 | A shift in his heart

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After breakfast and more training, the two decide to take a break for the remainder of the day. You take a sip of peach tea after having gotten out of the shower and sitting on the patio. Your legs dangle in the spring air. A smile laces your lips as you inhale and exhale deeply. Todays been the most relaxing day you've had since your life changed. 

You hear footsteps behind you and Okkotsu emerges with a plate of fruit slices. His hair is damp from having showered as well. Okkotsu sits himself next to you and offers you the delicacies on his plate. You thank him while grabbing a piece of honeydew. The flavors explode in your mouth the moment you bite it. 

A satisfied hum leaves your lips and Okkotsu snickers under his breath in response. The two of you stare at the sky without conversing. Your younger self would be so elated to find out your present self can see Okkotsu as long as you wanted. But you have to wonder, does he miss his family? Your bond with yours isn't as close so this separation doesn't hurt as much. 

Okkotsu looks over, his head tilting slightly. "Something on your mind Y/N?" His voice is soft and sweet. You search his dark blue eyes a little longer before speaking up. "Do you miss your family Yuta?" Your tone comes out nervous and you mentally curse yourself for it. It's not as if your question is odd. 

Okkotsu looks away for a moment. His eyes look at nothing specific when he slowly exhales. "Of course. It's not everyday where I'm suddenly separated from them without any logical reasoning. But..." You gulp when Okkotsu returns his eyes on you.

There's a tiny smile that tugs on his lips. "I don't feel so lonely when I'm with you. Toge too. The others here are also warm and welcoming to us." His shoulders relax and the wind gently ruffles his hair. You easily smell his shampoo wafting towards your nose. 

Chewing on the inside of your cheek, you crinkle your nose. Your heart is racing again. "What about you Y/N? Your parents..." Okkotsu's words cut off when you lock your jaw. Your eyes stare out at the woods. They haven't contacted you much despite your texts every now and then to keep them updated. 

You try to make up excuses for their lack of attendance. That they're busy with work and they're exhausted when they get home. But it doesn't take a lot of effort to text a good morning, good night, how are you, or an I love you. You feel your anxiety in your palms. There's a deep frown on your face that you're unaware of. 

Not until you feel something touch your lips. You startle and look down to see a piece of honeydew on a fork. Your eyes follow up the fork to see Okkotsu with a worried expression. "Sorry. I shouldn't have brought them up." Okkotsu apologizes. 

You part your lips to bite the fruit Okkotsu feeds you. Okkotsu clears his throat and attempts to change the conversation. "Since our training is progressing, do you think Gojo and Nanami will let us roam by ourselves? It'd be nice for us two to spend time together in the city. Like a...date."

Your previous sadness switches off into one of shock. You stop chewing to look at Okkotsu with wide eyes. He chuckles under his breath when he sees the shock on your face. Between laughter he speaks up, "Finish chewing Y/N. You look like a squirrel packing food away in it's cheeks." You flush from his statement and quickly chew. 

Your voice is higher than usual when you speak louder. "How else do you expect me to react Yuta? You just casually asked me out on a date, right?" Now Okkotsu is the one to fluster. He quickly looks away to not let you see his possible flushing face. 

There's so many emotions swirling inside your mind. Friends don't go on dates. Friends go on hang outs. Your heart begins to ache from how much it's racing. The knots in your stomach makes you feel uneasy. You reach out to grab the hem of Okkotsu's shirt sleeve. Gently, you give it a tug. 

Your head drops down as you nervously ask Okkotsu the questions that's been eating at you. "You're not leading me on are you Yuta? I'm not overthinking things am I? Your heart...does it race when you look at me?" Each question your tone becomes softer and softer. 

Okkotsu slowly turns around, his eyes resting on Y/N's head. Her head is lowered while her hand clenches tightly onto his sleeve. She's trembling. Okkotsu's heart and mind seems to go haywire. Okkotsu himself doesn't really understand his own emotions. 

Suddenly one day, he began to see Y/N differently. After processing her confession and hearing her conversation with Maki in the onsen...everything fell into place. His fear of loving again began to melt. Because he's given a second chance to fall in love with someone who'd put him first over herself. All because of how much she loved and cared for him and their friendship.

Parting his lips, Okkotsu feels his throat go dry. "I'm not leading you on Y/N. Truthfully, I'm not even sure what these emotions are. But." Okkotsu nervously extends his hand out to raise Y/N's face up by her chin. Her doe-like eyes stare at him innocently. 

There's an obvious skip to his heart when he sees her like this. Okkotsu's mind blanks momentarily when he takes in her beauty. Shyly, Okkotsu continues on. His cheeks beginning to burn a shade red. "I know there's something growing when I look at you Y/N. I don't want to rush into things and confess. I'd like to properly tell you my feelings when I'm completely sure." 

Y/N's eyes soften under Okkotsus' gaze. She bites her bottom lip before hiding her face behind her palms. Okkotsu notices her adorable ears turning red. He lowers his hand from her chin after noticing how long he's rested his hand there. Okkotsu stares at his hand that radiates heat. He mentally thanks the gods for not making his palm sweaty.

"A date, huh?" Gojo who's overheard their entire conversation mumbles to himself. He's standing off to the side of the dorm building with his hands in his pockets. Originally he came here to check up on the students. But instead he encountered something even more entertaining. Youth in love. 

He smirks to himself before turning around with a new idea sparking into his mind. The man happily walks away to find his wonderful comrade, Nanami.  

𝚏𝚘𝚘𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 | Yuta Okkotsu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now