♡ 11 | Painful

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Okkotsu sits in his room in silence. He stares at his phone, Y/N's text message gawking at him. He replays his every action today and can only hiss at himself for his behavior. Is this really what he wants? To please Rika by avoiding Y/N? It's obvious that he's avoiding Y/N. He's sure she's noticed.

Okkotsu hovers his finger over Y/N's contact. He debates whether or not to call her. To tell her everything he's been through. How suffocating he feels when he's around his so called girlfriend. Okkotsu forces his eyes shut to ponder on the pro's and con's. But he startles when his phone begins to go off.

The name Rika Orimoto flashes on his screen. He winces upon seeing her name. Okkotsu wished to not answer the phone but if he didn't there surely will be retribution. Tapping the answer button, Okkotsu raises the phone to his ear. Orimoto's voice is bubbly like usual. She's talking from one ear out the other to him.

Okkotsu hardly focuses on the word she says. But Orimoto doesn't realize anyway. She's carefreely talking about everything and anything. Okkotsu drifts his eyes over to the photo frame that lays on his nightstand. He reaches over to grab the photo frame. An image of Okkotsu and Orimoto stares right back at him. 

Maybe he spoiled Orimoto too much by being by her side. Now she's unable to do anything without him around. Okkotsu begins to blame himself for Orimoto's rash behavior. He's too clouded to realize that maybe it's not him. That it may possibly be Orimoto who's changed dramatically and for the wrong reason. 

Orimoto chuckles lowly every so often to seem interested. But he feels nothing asides a hollow log. His world seems much darker than usual.


You're definitely being avoided. Each time you try to interact with Okkotsu or Orimoto, the two magically have to do something. Or they talk more amongst themselves. Each time they shrug you off, you feel as though your heart chips more. You figured this will happen eventually but actually going through it hurts. 

The two will still interact with Inumaki like normal but it's just you that's being treated coldly. Inumaki's brought this up to the two but they would steer the conversation elsewhere. Not wanting Inumaki to pick a side, you've told him you're okay. You came up with some kind of lie each time during lunch to be alone. However, Inumaki kindly stayed by your side each day. It's been a week since you've strayed away from the two.

The two of you spend your lunches now in the classroom. Inumaki is bothered when you hear his leg bounce in front of you. Your attention is towards the window outside. "I don't like this." Inumaki's text to speech voices out. 

You cast your eyes over to look at Inumaki who's furrowing his brows together with a frown. You catch yourself frowning as well when you look at him. "I don't either but..." Your words fall short. "I'm not sure what I did wrong. Unless--". Your heart pounds against your chest and your eyes widen briefly.

"Do you think they found out about my feelings Toge? May that be the reason the two are blind sighted when I'm around?" You whisper despite no one else being in the classroom. Inumaki tilts his head to the side to ponder on the thought. He shakes his head, not thinking that's the reason. 

You sigh and slump over your desk, resting your head on the cool wooden desk. You can't think of your friends in an ill manner. But something obviously changed their view on you. The sound of footsteps enter the classroom. You don't bother lifting your head up to see who it is. 

Shortly after something cold touches the side of your face and you yelp in response. You sit up to see Kamo removing a drink away from your face while handing Inumaki juice. Kamo will hang out with you and Inumaki from time to time during lunch if he's not busy with work Gojo's given him. "Still being ignored today?" Kamo's tone is soft despite his words hurting you more than it should. 

You mutter a thank you for the drink before taking it from him. "Let's not talk about it." You grumble out while twisting the lid off of your drink before taking a sip. Kamo doesn't respond further. He clears his throat and changes the subject for your benefit. 

"So, the aquarium trip is next week. Be on your best behavior. There's going to be a buddy system so don't get lost you two." Kamo eyes you and Inumaki. The two of you glance at one another before looking over at Kamo. 

You snicker softly. "You're talking to Toge and I as if we're five year olds." Inumaki nods his head to your words. A pout to his face. Kamo makes no expression when his eyes still remain on the two of you. 

"It'll be hard for Gojo and I to monitor everyone. So I'm serious when I tell you to not get lost. It's also a holiday so everyone's bound to split up." Kamo stares at his phone with the calendar open. You notice how each day is listed with a task on his agenda. He notices your looming eyes and shifts his phone slightly so you're unable to see. 

You look away not wanting to pry further in his personal life. The three of you haven't been able to scratch off any more of the places Kamo's wanting to go after the house visit. "Is there someone you're giving a gift to on White Day Kamo? I'm sure you received something on Valentine's Day." You murmur while Inumaki and you begin to play a game of tic-tac-toe on Inumaki's phone.

Kamo slides his phone away and leans back in his seat with his arms crossed. His eyes are on the game. "What makes you think someone likes me?" Kamo's calm voice seeps through your skin when you hear his question. You stiffen and so does Inumaki. Despite how calm Kamo is, you're sure the question probably made him feel some type of way. You awkwardly stare at Inumaki who's avoiding your gaze.

Inumaki isn't going to save you from this conversation. Clearing your throat, you look over to Kamo. Personally, you would be afraid to approach the boy. He gives off an aura that tells you to not bother him unless it's absolutely necessary. But asides that...

You're gazing too long when Kamo mentions it. You shamefully return your eyes back to Inumaki's phone. "You're not the only one if that makes you feel better." You mutter under your breath with a scrunch to your nose. 

Inumaki swipes his screen to pull up his text to speech and you notice what he's typing. You try to snatch his phone away before he hits enter but the boy is much too quick. "Y/N's never received anything on White Day. Asides heartache." Inumaki chuckles at his jab. The tips of your ears redden as you scoff and roll your eyes. 

"That's because she has terrible taste in guys." Kamo responds with his own teasing instead of  collected response. Your eyes widen when you look over at the boy beside you. He's not exactly smiling but you notice a shine in his eyes when you meet each others eyes. You roll your eyes in response, turning your attention back out to the window. 

How uncanny when you see Okkotsu and Orimoto walking out of the courtyard with their hands laced. Orimoto wears her usual bright smile. Okkotsu on the other hand looks like he hasn't slept in days with how dark his eyebags are. His complexion looks paler than usual too. You tear your eyes away, not wanting to worry about someone who doesn't care about you. 

Kamo notices Y/N's fallen face. Inumaki quickly returns to the game to distract the girl. Kamo flicks his attention over to the window when he notices the other half of the friend group. Orimoto's energy is the same while Okkotsu's is growing. Not only is his growing but so is Y/N's. Kamo drops his gaze over to the girl next to him. 

Gojo's plan is working. The two who lack powers are beginning to awaken theirs. It's painful to see the two wake up their skills this way. 

𝚏𝚘𝚘𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝 | Yuta Okkotsu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now